Eighth Circuit: Liberty Insurance Corporation v. HNTB Corporation

 Where the contract encompasses both construction management and independent quality assurance, the question of whether the expert was functioning as a manager or an outside expert presents an issue for trial when determining the scope of an insurance policy.

Liberty Insurance Corporation  v.  HNTB Corporation

Sixth Circuit: Rudolph Betancourt v. Indian Hills Plaza LLC

 No abuse of discretion in fees and costs award, given the quality and manner of representation and securing expert witnesses. Court appropriately reduced lodestar calculation based on unnecessary filings, despite claim that the early fees award motions were justified, since simultaneous remediations of the property might have left the plaintiff as the non-prevailing party.  

Rudolph Betancourt v. Indian Hills Plaza LLC

Sixth Circuit: Bradley M. Peterson v. Kristina M. Johnson

 For purposes of the property interest in law, emeritus status at a state university is not considered employment. Absent pay or benefits, the status does not create a property interest at law.  Property interest in the status is analogous to a liberty interest in reputation, which procedurally would require a request for a name-clearing hearing to exhaust non-judicial remedies.

Bradley M. Peterson v. Kristina M. Johnson

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Villarreal

 Where a Habeas petition claims that a prior offense wasn't a valid predicate because it wasn't limited to crimes involving a use of force, and subsequent to vacatur and remand, a certificate of appealability issues challenging the predicate on the ground that it includes reckless conduct, the fact that pro se prisoner Habeas petitions should be construed liberally allows the original petition to be decided on the latter grounds.


The distinction between the act and the mental state isn't sophistry; the petition didn't originally intend to raise the recklessness challenge.

USA v. Villarreal

Third Circuit: USA v. Jamar Hunter

Where there is more than one passenger in the car, it is not unreasonable for the police officer conducting a traffic stop to conduct an extended criminal history check on the occupants of the car for reasons of officer safety. The check was a negligibly burdensome precaution justified by officer safety concerns. 


The record check was part of the stop itself, so no reasonable suspicion was required. Although required by precedent, reason to doubt that history checks improve officer safety.  Racial profiling concerns.

USA v. Jamar Hunter

Third Circuit: Maria Del Rosario Hernandez v. MicroBilt Corp

 When the arbitration association designated in the consumer contract refuses to arbitrate due to the company's refusal to waive a damages limitation inconsistent with its charter, it isn't a matter of arbitrability that might have to be formally decided by an arbitrator, but a threshold requirement properly decided by the association itself.  It speaks to how the agreement operates, rather than whether it applies.

Plaintiff's court claim is not prohibited by the Exclusive Resolution term of the contract, as the plaintiff complied with all arbitration provisions, and claimants can return to court after an arbitration concludes. The return to court is without consideration of the merits of the arbitration, and further arbitration can't be compelled under the contract.

Maria Del Rosario Hernandez v. MicroBilt Corp

Second Circuit: Saba Cap. CEF Opportunities 1, Ltd., Saba Cap. Mgmt., L.P. v. Nuveen

There was substantial evidence for agency's determination that  petitioner could safely relocate to a politically less dangerous area within home country, and no abuse of discretion in holding that this determination precluded a finding of well-founded fear of future persecution.  Determination of the possibility of safe relocation precludes a finding of an objectively reasonable  fear of future harm.

Saba Cap. CEF Opportunities 1, Ltd., Saba Cap. Mgmt., L.P. v. Nuveen

Second Circuit: Vans, Inc. v. MSCHF Product Studio, Inc.

Where an alleged trademark infringer incorporates with distortion the characteristics of the original product that indicate its origin and source, the enhanced First Amendment protections for parodies are properly not considered in the preliminary injunction analysis under the statute.

Given the strength of the original marks, the intention to evoke the original marks by using the distorted design established a likelihood of confusion, especially since the original brand occasionally sold special forms of the shoe. Although it might be difficult to actually wear the shoe, enjoining court's determination to the contrary worthy of deference. No clear error in determination that the alleged infringement was of lower quality, but the court erred in holding that legally this worked in the favor of the party claiming infringement.

No abuse of discretion in ordering escrow of gross revenues, as party seeking injunction sought an accounting, and a damages award would include costs and fees. No error in not requiring bond from party seeking injunction, as non-movant didn't request it.

Vans, Inc. v. MSCHF Product Studio, Inc.

Federal Circuit: VLSI Technology LLC v. Intel Corporation

Substantial evidence for finding of infringement. In determining similar function under the doctrine of equivalents, schematic diagrams of functions are less important than actual function-location maps, in addition to the determination of whether the differences in the allocations of functionalities are substantial.  Abuse of discretion to base the damages calculation on the results of a scientific test that considered both infringing and non-infringing functions.

Denial of motion to amend the answer was an abuse of discretion given diligent pursuit of claim, and given that the question of whether affiliates are bound by a contract under the state law identified in the contract is not a black-letter rule, and would require further development.

VLSI Technology LLC v. Intel Corporation

Federal Circuit: Saha Thai Steel Pipe Company Limited v. US

 Amendment to the statute allowing for a corrective methodology in calculating the constructed value of an item given a particular market situation cannot be applied by the agency to the parallel calculation of the cost of production, which is used to determine if a product is being sold at less than cost.

Saha Thai Steel Pipe Company Limited v. US

Tenth Circuit: Hampton v. Utah Department of Corrections

 A preexisting disability-neutral list of approved firearms for correctional peace officers cannot be the sole basis for denying a disability-related request to use another type of firearm. The request was plausible and facially reasonable.

Claim of instructions to delay accommodation requests until after initial probationary period does not present an issue for trial as to the existence of a discriminatory policy. A claim that accommodation requests "generally filter up" to the decisionmaker does not, standing alone, present a genuine issue for trial as to whether the decisionmaker was aware of the request.

Court did not abuse discretion in refusing to allow plaintiff to testify about the disability as an expert, given lack of proof of reliable scientific methodology.  

Hampton v. Utah Department of Corrections

Ninth Circuit: Center for Biological Diversity, et al. v. Deb Haaland et al.

 A claim of actual water savings elsewhere to offset water taken from a river under the Act must be established with reasonable certainty. An effect is reasonably certain if it is established by clear and substantial information, rather than speculation and conjecture. Reserving certain lands is insufficient absent proof that those lands would otherwise be used for agriculture.

Scientific proof that the species is an opportunistic forager provides sufficient evidence for the determination that its members are likely to migrate after the reduction in water levels. The distance a snake might travel away from a river is fundamentally different than the distance that a snake might travel along a river. Agency's determination of minimal impact to species not arbitrary and capricious. 


As the agency's determination doesn't meet the simple criterion of "likely," the standard of "reasonable certainty" is dicta.

Center for Biological Diversity, et al. v. Deb Haaland et al.

Ninth Circuit: Jaime Charboneau v. Tyrell Davis et al.

 In a second or successive Habeas petition, the clear and convincing proof of actual innocence must have a direct nexus to the facts underlying the claim of the constitutional violation, and it examines all of the evidence in the record available to the reviewing court, without regard to admissibility.  

The facts from the earlier findings that are to be taken to be true are not the ultimate determinations, but the evidentiary proffers underlying the claims; a presumption of correctness is attributed to findings of authenticity.  A letter held to be a copy of an unavailable original is sufficiently established as to authorship, but may be questioned for probity and reliability.  

Where the circumstances of the newly discovered evidence credibly suggest the petitioner's involvement in forgery, a rational factfinder might reasonably weigh the consciousness of guilt suggested by the events in determining the reliability and probity of the evidence.  

Jaime Charboneau v. Tyrell Davis et al.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Juanita White Shield

 Court did not abuse discretion in denying mistrial where a witness referred more than once to the deft being on probation.  Evidence of guilt was more than ample, and a limiting instruction sufficed.  

Where a court waives interest for a monetary penalty in the delivered judgment, but this term is omitted from the written judgment, the delivered version controls.

United States  v.  Juanita White Shield

Eighth Circuit: Saul Aguilar-Sanchez v. Merrick Garland

 Where the proposed generic federal definition of the crime includes a mens rea element of desire or gratification, a state statute requiring the intent to hire someone for those purposes has sufficiently similar scienter.  State decision that an incidental harassing solicitation of passerby demonstrated sufficient intent for a parallel statute did not make the state statute's reach broader than that of the federal crime.

Saul Aguilar-Sanchez  v.  Merrick Garland

Sixth Circuit: Marlean Ames v. Ohio Dep't of Youth Servs

 Plaintiff's own circumstances insufficient to establish a pattern of discrimination, and when combined with the fact that the decisionmakers for the allegedly discriminatory employment decision are members of the same majority classification, is insufficient to establish the background circumstances required to find that a member of a majority classification was discriminated against.

Sufficient evidence for the nondiscriminatory explanation.  Having several nondiscriminatory reasons advanced for the decision after the fact is insufficient to establish pretext if the reasons don't contradict. 

Marlean Ames v. Ohio Dep't of Youth Servs

Sixth Circuit: Island Creek Coal Co. v. Elizabeth Maynard

 Sufficient evidence for the ALJ to have discounted the medical opinions as conclusory and disagreeing with the specific disability criterion rather than refuting it.

Materials filed with the Board cannot be incorporated by reference in an Article III appeal.  Sufficient evidence for the ALJ to find that the disability met the legal threshold, even absent proof that it met a clinical threshold.

Island Creek Coal Co. v. Elizabeth Maynard

Sixth Circuit: United States v. James Wilder, II

 No plain error in admission of testimony on competence of police officer in identifying a firearm, where a prejudicial inference might have existed that firearms were common in the area.

Rational factfinder could have found that the deft's statements were a substantial step towards witness tampering, distinct from solicitation, in that they counseled, commanded, or induced someone to engage in the practice.

Represented deft's pro se motions by letter separate from attorney's filing not considered. 

United States v. James Wilder, II

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Robinson

 Sufficient evidence for the jury to have disbelieved the witness' recantation.  Sufficient evidence for the federal obstruction charge where the prompting was procedurally about a separate state investigation, but dealt in substance with the set of events that became a federal matter.

Absent specific briefing, body camera footage outside of the portion agreed to be admissible as a prior statement of identification isn't coherent enough for appellate review as to specific statements. Admission not substantial injury and cumulative in nature with respect to admissible evidence.  Portions of phone calls admitted for context with admissible portions of the call, but without a limiting instruction, were harmless error, as they were cumulative with admissible statements elsewhere. Deft did not identify portions of the record that would justify a prior-inconsistent-statements instruction. Closing remarks were not improper, as they accurately characterized the victims as vulnerable, the invocation of justice was not calculated to inflame, inferences were appropriately made from the evidence, and the court appropriately limited the influence of the lawyers' opinions in the closing instruction.

Plain error where the court indicated that it might be bound by the earlier sentencing judge's order that the sentence for revocation of supervised release run consecutively with the subsequent sentence for the second offense.  

USA v. Robinson

Fifth Circuit: Robinson v. Lopinto

 Absent a showing as to an increased ability to afford the bail, Habeas is unavailable where at least one of the counts subject to retrial isn't affected by the claim seeking the writ; the pretrial detention would be justified under the single count.

Robinson v. Lopinto