First Circuit: US v. Cruz-Rivera

Statute is a valid predicate crime of violence under use of force clause -- by analogy, since, although it can be accomplished by simple intimidation, bank robbery can also be accomplished by intimidation, and bank robbery is a valid predicate.

As-applied and facial challenge to commerce clause of statute (ACCA?) rejected, as as-applied was conceded in stipulation, and facial because of the theory of the challenge - the crime, not the gun, needs to track to interstate commerce.

Sufficient evidence.

No need for the gov't to produce the weapon at trial.

Seventh Circuit: Electric Power Supply Associat v. Anthony Star

State nuclear power subsidy mechanism that requires emitting producers to purchase credits from nuclear producers at a price set by the market with a safety valve provision directly tied to the federal utility power auction mechanism is not preempted by the federal stature setting up the auction, since the state scheme doesn't price participants and non-participants in the federal auctions differently, and states have a right to regulate the utilities within their borders.

Seventh Circuit: International Assoc. of Machin v. Ray Allen

Given controlling precedent of summary affirmation in an earlier case by the U.S. Supreme Court, state law requiring employers to process labor union dues check-off cancellation requests within 30 days is preempted as regulation of private conduct within the scope of labor-management relations and the Taft-Hartley Act.

Seventh Circuit: Illinois Liberty PAC v. Lisa Madigan

State campaign finance law that seems facially underinclusive given stated aims is nonetheless lawful, given presumption of statute's legitimacy.  Court did not abuse its discretion in holding that legislative caucuses were the functional equivalents of political parties for purposes of the law.

Fifth Circuit: Chris Gilkers v. Darrel Vannoy, Warden

When, in the pendency of  collateral post-conviction challenges, a state habeas that was subsequently challenged in federal habeas is re-reviewed by the state sua sponte, an attempt to resuscitate the federal habeas claim by a 60(d) motion is properly construed as a second-or-sucessive habeas petition, and is subject to those statutory limits.

Fifth Circuit: Constance Westfall v. Jose Luna, et al

Aggressive nature of the knock-and-talk encounter can taint the subsequent consent to search.  When the person who gave consent to the search indicates that she doesn't want the police officers to go into a certain area, consent for that part of the search is withdrawn.  In these circumstances, the qualified immunity of the police officer presents an issue for trial.

List of today's opinions what we haven't got to yet


Third Circuit: In re. Energy Future Holdings

Bankruptcy court's order was an interlocutory one, as the court retained jurisdiction over the order and the case itself -- no clear error in court's decision that it had clearly erred earlier and the court's granting of a motion to amend filed under the inherent authority of the court.

Dissent: Nullifying an order without a clear error of fact or law undercuts commercial reliance.

Second Circuit: Khalid v. Sessions

Despite the fact that petitioner was not living with a parent at the time due to a brief juvenile pretrial detention, the petitioner was still in the physical custody of the parent.  When examining a contested term within an area generally governed by state law, federal courts should look to state law indicia for the meaning of the term.

First Circuit: Plixer International, Inc. v. Scrutinizer GMBH

Although a website's availability, in itself, does not constitute the purposeful availment of the resources of a jurisdiction, a steady and predictable flow of commerce to the jurisdiction can constitute sufficient purposeful availment to justify a reasonable assertion of jurisdiction.

Eleventh Circuit: Bob Glasscox v. Argo, City Of, etc.

Denial of qualified immunity for trigger-happy tasing of diabetic driver.  Driver's attempt to remove one of the taser wires might have been resistance (pun?)  but as the subsequent (fourth) tasing was underway already, it wasn't excused.

Ninth Circuit Bohmker v. State of Oregon

As state law banning motorized mining in certain areas has a clear purpose, is closely tailored, does not choose land use, and is not integrated within land use scheme, it is not field (pun?)  or conflict preempted by federal mining and and use law.

Dissent: It restricts use of land.

Ninth Circuit: EEOC v. BNSF

Amended opinion.

Ninth Circuit: USA v. Blackstone

Second or successive habeas challenging residual clause conviction under mandatory sentencing guidelines is untimely, as the right has not yet been made retroactive.

Ninth Circuit: DNC v. Reagan

Voter filing assistance statute minimally burdens 1st & 14th Amendments; plaintiff did not demonstrate burden o discrete subgroups; no showing of prior fraud was needed, as the state might be preserving trust in the process; holding that disproportionate impact was de minimis was not clear error; legislature acted without intent to discriminate.

Discarding out-of-precinct ballots similarly upheld.

Dissent: Disparate impact, history of discrimaination, Section 2 of VRA problematic, etc.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Calvin Bernhardt

Sufficient evidence where counterfeit bills were in a stack separate from the other currency and showed varying levels of verisimilitude.

Indictment counts not multiplicitous, as one refers to spoiliation.

Attempt to persuade co-conspirator to remain silent, where accompanied by consciousness of wrongdoing, is culapable, as it falls outside of Fifth Amendment and privilege protections.

A substantial step towards illicit travel must implicate travelling -- not the underlying criminal plan.

Eighth Circuit: Muhammad Abdurrahman v. Mark Dayton

Capable of repetition yet evading review exception to mootness is an equitable consideration; as the faithless elector could have filed suit during the vote-casting process, the exception is not available to him now.

Seventh Circuit: Brian Reynolds v. Henderson & Lyman

Existence of a duty of care, although dispositive, is a question of law that, in the federal forum, is decided by the judge.  As the division of responsibilities for finding facts and law at the trial stage is a procedural one, the procedures of the federal forum control.

Under state law, attorneys for LLC owed no third-party duty of care to LLC owner and manager.

Fifth Circuit: Lizzy Plug, et al v. SXSW Holdings, Incorporated

Although festival organizers had effective control of the street, the permit required that it be operated according to the usual traffic control plan; organizers did not therefore have a duty of care that might have prompted them to change that.

Similarly, negligence per se, implied warranty, and public nuisance don't state a claim.

Murderous driver not sufficiently foreseeable; the test is forseeability from recent events, not actual knowledge of threat.

Fourth Circuit: Sierra Club v. VEPCO

While a power plant can be liable under the Act for discharging pollutants into navigable waters via hydrologically connected groundwater, the pollution in this instance was from the landfill and settling pools connected with the site, which were not a "point source" covered by the Act.

Parallel provisions in state permit should be construed reasonably and in a manner congruent with the federal regulations.