Seventh Circuit: Pension Trust Fund v. Kohl's Corporaton

Although the real estate plans of the corporation should have alerted management that the accounting error would occur, the fact that it occurred several times and that executives sold shares is not enough to state a case under heightened statutory pleading, as the management might have overlooked the consideration, and there was sufficient time between the stock sales and the revised revenue statements.

Although it was error for the court below to dismiss with prejudice, it was not an abuse of discretion sufficient to justify reversal, as, in the interval, the opposing party hasn't made a showing of how the claim might be amended.

Sixth Circuit: Robert Hayes v. Comm'r of Soc. Sec.

As ledger entries indicate that attorney received a prejudgment notification of the administrative determination of the case, local rules as to the timeliness of application for fees apply, and there is no equitable basis for tolling the limitations period.

Fifth Circuit: Victor Revencu v. Jefferson Sessions, III

A reasonable factfinder might have determined that the alien petitioning to stay in the country was not persecuted in his home country due to his political beliefs, but rather that the police had mistreated him because they were attempting to use him as an informant against the political organization, believing him not to be actually committed to the cause.

A reasonable factfinder might have determined that persecution of a spouse for being Roma indicates likely future persecution of the petitioner himself.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Jorge Robles-Avalos

Border Patrol agent had sufficient articulable grounds for suspicion to stop the vehicle, as it was an unusual vehicle for the road, midnight, a known rendezvous point for migrants, and, in the course of the surveillance, more passengers appeared in the car.

Third Circuit: Seifullah Abdul-Salaam v. Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

As there was no indication that pursuing expert mitigation testimony in the penalty phase would cause conflicting narratives or a relitigation of the guilt phase, omitting to investigate the potential mitigation produced ineffective assistance of counsel; state appellate review to the contrary was unreasonable.

Where the state courts explicitly do not reach consideration of the prejudice arising from the ineffective assistance, federal habeas approaches the question de novo.

District court erred in determining that the mitigation would have been cumulative in light of the guilt-phase evidence; as the potential mitigation was qualitatively different, it is likely that at least one juror would have been swayed by a fundamentally different presentation in the penalty phase.

Second Circuit: United States v. Thompson

Minor trafficking statute is not overbroad, since any material assistance provided to victims by charitable organizations that might fall within the proscriptions of the act do not prohibit the expressive associations protected under the First Amendment, and prosecutions are unlikely for assistance provided by family members, who would, in any even, lack the needed mens rea for culpability.

A mens rea requirement as to the victim's age in one section of the statute does not necessarily imply the same degree of knowledge for conviction under a provision providing increased penalties for a victim of an even lower age.

Venue is proper in the district where the minor was induced and enticed, despite the fact that the film was created elsewhere. 

Second Circuit: Leopard Marine & Trading, Ltd. v. Easy Street Ltd.

As jurisdiction over an in personam action under the Declaratory Judgment Act seeking a declaration of rights in a maritime lien is merely derivative of the jurisdiction over the lien, arrest or presence of the res is a matter of service, not jurisdictional, and jurisdiction can be gained by means of a forum selection clause in a contract for supplies between the operator of the vessel and the claimant on the lien.

As the present quasi in rem suit is an in personam action, abstention for comity in light of a foreign in rem action on the same res is not required.

Although the conduct of the enforcement of the lien is within the present forum's statute of limitations, which is generally held to be the common law rule, equitable considerations permitted the district court to extinguish the lien for laches -- due to the delay, the owner of the ship was unable to enforce a lien against the cargo carried by the operator who had incurred the fuel bill.

Dissent: Maritime liens are stricti juris, and arise from the custody of the res.  The interpleader precedent cited by the majority relies on consent to federal jurisdiction, with the lien then found to be inextricably intertwined.  The operator's consent to the forum selection provision is distinct from a general consent to federal jurisdiction, and jurisdiction cannot be manufactured by consent of the parties.

Federal Circuit: Martin v. US

Prior to claiming a statutory private easement in public land along a public right of way, claimants must avail themselves of any available special use permit offered by the land manager; denial of such an application makes the case ripe for judicial review.

Eleventh Circuit: U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Southern Trust Metals, Inc., et al.

Amended opinion following denial of rehearing.

Ninth Circuit: US v. Pepe

Post-conviction amendment of statute prohibiting certain conduct when travelling abroad to include conduct while residing abroad permits abrogation of circuit precedent that held the earlier form to include both travelling and residence.  Lenity, Constitutional avoidance.

Dissent: It was a clarifying amendment in light of uniform judicial interpretation that both meanings were originally included.

Ninth Circuit: Williams v. Gaye

Amended opinion.

Ninth Circuit: White v. Ryan

State habeas denial was contrary to and an unreasonable application of the federal law governing ineffective assistance of counsel claims as to mitigation and aggravating factors, since it considered whether the specific court that had heard the case would have been prejudiced, rather than a neutral and objective court considered abstractly, and also did not weigh the cumulative effect of the mitigation that had been omitted.

Ninth Circuit: US v. Joyce

Given the per se rule against horizontal price fixing, court did not abuse its discretion by barring evidence of minimal market effects.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Deuvontay Charles

Omission of the fact that the residence to be searched was only an occasional residence does not justify suppression of the evidence, as a neutral magistrate could have found probably cause to search an occasional residence.  Requirement to register on a predatory offender registry is sufficient to trigger penalties for committing an offense while on an offender registry.  Conciliation court document for county's suit against the mother of the victim is insufficient proof to establish within the court's discretion the restitution due the county.

Eighth Circuit: Carrie-Anne Smith v. Rockwood R-VI School District

Discrimination claims that in substance allege the denial of a free and appropriate public education trigger the exhaustion requirements of the Act; even if one party is thought not to have standing, the development of the administrative record will assist any subsequent judicial review.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Tong Moua

As the trial court is best positioned to judge the facts, sufficient evidence for robbery conviction where a single witness who had earlier identified another person made an in-court identification, deft was seen in a vehicle that was later found near a robbery with incriminating writing-pad impressions, warrantless cell-phone location data placed the deft near the robberies, and items of clothing similar to those seen during the robbery were found at the apartment.  Sentence substantively not unreasonable.

Seventh Circuit: Joshua Vasquez v. Kimberly Foxx

State's expansion of residence restrictions for registered offenders was not an ex post facto penalty, as the conduct regulated is post-enactment knowing residence.  The law does not amount to a taking, since it is a regulation on the use of property, doesn't affect the market value of the property, and plaintiffs acquired the property after enactment.  Procedural due process does not require individual hearings.  The law has a rational basis.

Seventh Circuit: Emma Cehovic-Dixneuf v. Lisa Wong

As the company retained administrative functions, the life insurance plan was within the statute, even though all premiums were paid by the employee; equitable reassignment of the beneficiary is therefore unavailable.

Where hearsay challenges are raised for the first time on a motion to reconsider summary judgment, the court may accept the challenged evidence as tending to point to some admissible method of proof, since the rules bar from the motion to reconsider any claims that might have been raised earlier on the merits.

Seventh Circuit: Nicholas Knopick v. Jayco, Inc.

If courts do have a prudential power to discern real parties in interest, such a power would be inapposite here, as the plaintiff who used an LLC to purchase a vehicle, and the LLC assigned the right of action to the plaintiff after the commencement of suit.

Absent an equitable "lemon law" showing to the contrary, repairs on a vehicle owned by an LLC and therefore excluded from warrantied repairs did not effect an intentional relinquishment of a known right by the manufacturer that would allow a subsequent claim against the warranty by the LLC.

Fifth Circuit: Raquel Hinojosa v. Petra Horn, et al

Since onetime-citizens who are abroad who have their passports revoked have a right under the statute to petition the Secretary of State for permission to present themselves at a port of entry, they do not have a right to challenge the revocation directly as an administrative action.

This petition process must be exhausted prior to seeking habeas relief; although it does not directly remedy the question of the passport, it allows the grounds for the revocation of the passport to be challenged.

Plaintiff at port of entry cannot seek relief under the statute by declaratory judgment, as statute limits that relief to those inside the US.

Plaintiff who claims to be a citizen, but is denied entry on the grounds that he or she is not a citizen, does not have standing to facially challenge a law requiring all citizens to carry a passport when entering or leaving the country, as it doesn't presently apply to them.