Third Circuit: Emil Jutrowski v. Township of Riverdale

Although a plaintiff in a S1983 suit needs to be able to identify the law enforcement officer who injured him in order to present an issue for trial, an allegation of after-the-fact conspiracy supported by omissions or inconsistencies in contemporaneous records can present an issue for trial on the same facts.

Third Circuit: Bernie Clemens v. New York Central Mutual Fire

Not an abuse of discretion for court to dismiss petition under fee-shifting statute in its entirety where counsel's performance was sub-par, timekeeping records were vague, there was insufficient proof of local prevailing rates, and plaintiff asks for 900k in fees on a 100k award after a four day trial.

Second Circuit: United States v. Kirsch

The organized labor exception to the state extortion statute encompasses only direct demands for assets in the form of traditional labor actions such as strikes and boycotts.  Ejustem. 

State crimes of extortion that are RICO predicates must involve transferable assets. (Not incorporeal.)

Wages and benefits sought for union members through extortion were transferable assets.

Given statute requiring actual participation or authorization on the part of union members in labor violence for culpability, insufficient evidence here.

Jury instruction focusing on victim's state of mind was appropriate, as the crime is instilling fear.

Sentence adjusted on remand for insufficient evidence.

Sixth Circuit: Kashiya Nwanguma v. Donald Trump

Political candidate's spoken summary ejection of protesters was not an incitement to riot.

The test for whether a political speech is protected against a charge of incitement considers the content, form, and context of the actual words.  A single listener's subjective response is not dispositive; the court must consider the actual words used.

Fifth Circuit: McGill Parfait v. DOWCP, et al

Lack of notification of award from third party was a jurisdictional bar to any award of funds, given the statute; the purpose of the award is to prevent double recoveries.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Jesus Islas-Saucedo

State burglary statute, given recent precedent holding it not to be a valid ACCA predicate, is similarly not a sentencing guidelines predicate.

Third Circuit: USA v. Zenaido Renteria, Jr.

As venue is  jurisdictional element that does not take the state of mind of the deft into account, venue in a certain district need not be foreseeable by the deft.

Sentence drug calculations upheld.

Third Circuit: Trinity Industries Inc v. Greenlease Holding Co

Risk did not pass back to indemnified party at the end of the period of indemnification, but should be allocated according to law and the other provisions of the agreement.

Cleanup costs, although more expensive due to being prompted by consent order, had sufficient nexus to the environmental response and were therefore reasonable.

Cost allocation methodology was improper, as it did not consider costs of individual remediations.

Court did not abuse discretion in attributing lead contamination to historic factors.

Arbitrary award  percentages used in balancing of equities were not supported by specifics in the record.

Corporate entities distinct.  Public policy requires presumption for the corporate form.

More elsewhere



Third Circuit: Jeffrey Workman v. Superintendent Albion SCI

Where deft's trial counsel was preoccupied with vindication of a manifestly weak legal theory and the issue is not raised in state habeas -- the latter is ineffective assistance by its terms, and the former is a sufficient showing -- cause for waiver in subsequent federal collateral challenge is excused.

Second Circuit: Spinelli v. National Football League

As implied license is an affirmative defense, all elements must be plain in order to dismiss an infringement claim at the pleadings stage.

Error to dismiss for not stating a claim where there is evidence that the grant of license by the creator did not contemplate the sublicence; this sounds in copyright infringement, not in contract.

Secondary infringement allegation states a claim against third party organization given showing of close connection between the two organizations.

Good faith/fair dealing states claim -- strong-arm negotiation unconscionability doesn't.


Antitrust argument would sound more clearly if photographers challenged their market -- trademark licensing, etc.  Rather than simply alleging the existence of a behemoth.

First Circuit: US v. Ocean

Sufficient evidence for conspiracy despite conflict with others and dual role as consumer and salesman for the drug operation -- the common purpose was the increased sale of narcotics.

Absent evidence that the government was attempting to elicit statements from the deft, contents of phone call during pretrial detention to friend who might have been cooperating with the investigation admissible.

Explicit waiver of drug quantity calculation in sentencing memo forecloses challenge on appeal.

District court was within discretion to accept deft's possibly exaggerated calculation of drug quantity.

Reference on cross to lab reports did not inappropriately bronze lay testimony as to drug identification or present confrontation clause argument as to the content of the reports.

More elsewhere, of course

To wit:

Sub-optimal breadth and depth today.  Not good. 

Tomorrow is, inter alia, another day.


Third Circuit: Frank Long v. SEPTA

Although Congress cannot designate an injury as specific and harmful enough for standing, the cause of action and damages for not providing a credit report established that Congress saw the harm as serious, and it was similar to rights recognized in the common law.  The requirement of FCRA notification, though, is a bare procedural violation with no actual harm, insufficient to establish injury in fact under Article III.

Second Circuit: USA v. Barrett

Since Hobbs Act robbery is rarely used in cases of merely threatened harm, convictions under the act are categorically convictions for a crime of violence.

Hobbs Act robbery conspiracy is a crime of violence, as it necessarily creates a substantial risk of violence.

As statute requires that the number of predicate convictions be determined by the finder of fact in the present trial and conduct-specific aspects of the prior convictions are balanced in this determination, many of the constitutional difficulties with prior convictions under a residual clause can be avoided.  The fact that the predicate convictions weren't determined by the finder of fact in this case was harmless error.

First Circuit: Aguilar de Guillen v. Sessions

Corrigendum, viz:

First Circuit: US v. Irizarry-Rosario

References in closing to potentially aggravating factors do not breach  the plea deal, so long  as the tactic is not an end run around the plea agreement, and the government doesn't express regret or a desire to be free of the terms of the deal.

End of day

Still hoping to move to full coverage, while balancing dissertation & slings/arrows/what have you.

More from today:


Ninth Circuit: Rynearson v. Fergusun

(Rakoff (SDNY) on panel.)

When a person subject to a protective judicial order seeks to challenge the constitutionality of one of the statutes implicated by the order, federal courts are not required to abstain from the question, as the interference with the state criminal proceeding would be indirect and not dispositive.

Eighth Circuit: William Hatcher v. MDOW Insurance Company

Insurance policy renewed at discretion of policyholder and insurer can be modified during the course of the policy with sufficient notice; continued premiums serve as considerations for any changes.  Boilerplate letters instructing policyholder to review the terms of the policy prior to renewal constitute sufficient notice.

No prejudice from improperly sustained objection to testimony, as the objection was at sidebar, the jury was not informed, and there was no proffer as to what might have been revealed in that line of testimony.

Eighth Circuit: Charter Advanced Services v. Nancy Lange

Voice-IP system is properly considered an information service, as the data is transformed to the traditional telephony format before entering the network.  State regulation therefore preempted by the field of federal law.

Dissent: There is no noticeable transformation between end users, some networks use voice-IP internally, transforming to traditional format before routing to user.

Sixth Circuit: United States v. Desmond Cam

For the purposes of the advisory sentencing guidelines, Hobbs Act robbery is not a predicate crime of violence, either as robbery or through its use of force, since it encompasses conduct limited to the threatened harm to property.

Sixth Circuit: John Doe v. David Baum

Where the facts are in dispute and there are competing narratives of events, due process requires that public universities allow either the accused student of his or her representative directly to question the accuser.

A judicial proceeding in which everyone of one gender is believed and all those of the other gender are disbelieved states a claim under Title IX.

Concurrence -- Title IX violation states a claim; some grounds for the claim improperly excluded by this holding, as they're more appropriate to the summary judgment standard.

Dissent -- Due Process right to confront the witness can be vindicated by written questions.  Insufficient particularized causal connection for Title IX claims.

Fifth Circuit: Michael Vaughn, ex rel., et al v. United Biologics

A relator under the Act can seek voluntary dismissal with prejudice for purely private interests without binding the non-intervening government side, whose interests in the claim are dismissed without prejudice.

Statute requiring written opinion and reason for decision presents two freestanding requirements which can be accomplished separately.

Relators' having shared counsel with second relator in another forum who intends to pursue the action does not establish bad faith.

Third Circuit: USA v. Amy Gonzalez

Sufficient evidence for conspiracy conviction where the deft claims a genuine belief in the inciting statements, but finder of fact holds them to be objectively false.

Specific unanimity instruction not required, as the different mental states enumerated are alternate means of accomplishing the crime, not distinct potential elements of the crime.  Where a statute lists several acts, commission of any two of which would be an element of the crime, specific unanimity as to the underlying acts is not required, as the point of the list is to identify conduct that violates the actual prohibition.

For the statutory finding that death had resulted from the crime, the finder of fact must find it to be a forseeable proximate cause; there is no need to establish that the defts actually intended to cause death, and culpability can be established by the liability of a co-conspirator.

As the cyberstalking was defamatory and part of the commission of the crime, the law as applied in this case does not violate the First Amendment.

A recusal order that might reasonably be read to transfer venue but is then amended to clarify that it only recuses the present judge does not impugn the present venue.

Possibly prejudicial prior family court records properly admitted with limiting instructions.

Statements to a therapist as part of the therapy are admissible under the hearsay exeption for statements made for medical diagnosis or treatment, in addition to being evidence of the state of mind.

Hearsay emails to third parties properly admitted, as they spoke to how the acts referenced affected the writer's state of mind.

,Statements to therapist insufficiently testimonial to trigger the Confrontation Clause.

Question on cross as to whether the law enforcement officer had doubts about the defts' guilt opened the door for a vouching statement on redirect.  Vouching appropriately limited by instruction.

Court did not err in holding that testimony as to deft's honesty, peacefulness, and law abiding behaviour opened the door to testimony as to specific acts related to the present prosecution.

Factual findings by the judge during sentencing increased the advisory range, and not the statutory maximum -- these findings therefore could be made by a preponderance. and without reference to the jury's findings.

Deft's presence in courthouse should have put him on notice that it was foreseeable that a law enforcement officer might be injured in the coming imbroglio.

Injury to victim's children justified the increase of sentence for harming a vulnerable victim.

Life sentence for cyberstalking conspiracy resulting in death does not offend the Eighth Amendment.

Third Circuit: Joseph Brown v. Sage

When determining whether a prisoner's petition to proceed as a poor person is barred under statute due to having already filed three complaints that did not state a valid claim, the procedural law of the present forum controls, not the law of the forum in which the previous claims were filed. 

The number of previously filed complaints is determined by counting all claims resolved before the filing date of the present action.

Concur/dissent - the discretionary power of dismissal in the PLSRA is a more efficient mechanism, and the analysis mandated here seems to foreclose that flexibility.

Second Circuit: United States v. Pereira-Gomez

State Robbery statute is a valid predicate crime of violence, as even the passive examples raised here implied the threatened use of force.  Where the underlying offense is a crime of violence, the attempt is also a crime of violence.

End of day

The voices of the day murmur low and sink to rest.   Also decided today:

In other matters, diss continues apace, slings and arrows survived.  Onward.


Seventh Circuit: Supreme Auto Transport, LLC v. Arcelor Mittal USA, Inc.

Antitrust suit against producer of raw metal cannot relate back its revised claim, making it untimely; the shift from industrial plaintiffs to the end users of the products gave the defendants insufficient notice to preserve documents and prepare for trial.

State antitrust laws likely require closer proximancy than the end user of the products, as loss calculation becomes difficult.

Sixth Circuit: Neil Morgan v. Fairfield Cty., Ohio

Denial of qualified immunity for municipality policy authorizing police officers to surround a house, standing 5-7 feet from it before knocking on door to discuss a possible violation of the law, as the systematic invasion of the curtilage wasn't considered.  Immunity upheld for individual officers upheld, given evolving caselaw.

Fifth Circuit: Consumer Financial Protection v. Source for Public Data

Agency administrative subpoena that does not identify the activity under investigation or the relevant provision of law does not allow for judicial review of the reasonableness of the request, making it statutorily infirm.

Fifth Circuit: David Hager v. Todd G. Rowan

Discharged employee retains ERISA standing to challenge COBRA notification.

Since the employee was no longer eligible for the plan, medical costs otherwise covered by the plan are not an appropriate remedy; as the remedy must be in equity, the medical costs are similarly an inappropriate award; the proper remedy is a penalty based on the seriousness o the violation, and it is entirely possible that the amount of the penalty is equal to the medical costs incurred.

Third Circuit: Gordon Tima v. Attorney General United States

Statute that allows discretionary waiver of certain bad acts that would otherwise result in deportation by its terms only refers to fraud affecting admissibility, so a conviction for making false statements during an investigation of the admissibility fraud is not subject to discretionary waiver.

Third Circuit: Mona Estrada v. Johnson & Johnson

A person who purchases a product later found to be unsafe but who suffers no harm from the use of the product and who did not forgo purchasing a cheaper version of the product does not suffer sufficient injury for Article III standing, as they have received the benefit of their bargain.

Dissent: Safety of the product is an element of the bargain.

First Circuit: Rivera v. Sessions

Procedural error in immigration administrative appeal seeking discretionary relief cannot present a cognizable constitutional question for purposes of Article III review, as there is no cognizable, constitutionally guaranteed liberty interest.

First Circuit: US v. Freitas

No prejudice from admission of co-conspirator hearsay, given overwhelming evidence of guilt.

Challenges to instructions either waived for insufficient development or contradicted by record.

Challenge to sufficiency of the evidence waived,, as appeal did not state or argue the standard of review.

No prejudice from plain error in prosecution's closing that went beyond the facts established at trial.

First Circuit: Doe v. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

The administrative record for the purpose of judicial review properly includes documentary evidence from the post-filing review process, where both parties consent to the addition of the record in the post-filing process.

ERISA appeals at summary judgment are governed by clear error; remand to allow the court to interpret the documents.

End of Day

Should have been able to get through all of these.  Citius, altius, etc.  Brain-cloud, perhaps.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Daniel Stewart

No plain error in prolongation of traffic stop, given the minimal length of traffic stop.  Sufficient evidence for money laundering, given illicit source of funds.

Sixth Circuit: Brittany Harris v. Kimberly Klare

Denial of qualified immunity as a matter of law for officer's search of minor during traffic stop, as there is a question of whether the officer knew that there were minimal grounds for suspicion and that a dog search had turned up nothing; denial of qualified immunity as a matter of law for consensual search, as minor plaintiff was hancuffed, surrounded by police, had been stopped for an hour, and the search was apparently a precondition to using the restroom.

Third Circuit: Damien Preston v. Superintendent Graterford SCI

Although counsel in the initial state collateral challenge was ineffective, excusing the waiver of the claim due to its omission, the underlying claim of ineffective assistance at trial due to the Confrontation Clause violation did not prejudice the petitioner, given the cumulative evidence of guilt.

Third Circuit: Township of Bordentown v. FERC

Issuance of a permit conditioned on obtaining of second state permit did not offend the Act, as the conditional permit did not allow any discharges into the waters of the United States.

As each project is viable without the other, agency was not arbitrary or capricious in considering them separately.

Deference to agency determination that nonjurisdictional utility project was not sufficiently connected to jurisdictional projects to warrant formal review.

Agency's determination of minimal impacts appropriately resolved claim of cumulative impacts.

etc, etc. ...

Original federal appellate jurisdiction for violations of the act does not displace state administrative remedies in the permitting process.

Third Circuit: Carol Vorchheimer v. Philadelphian Owners Association

To state a claim for denial of necessary housing accommodation, plaintiff must establish the necessity of the accommodation beyond alternate solutions proposed by the landlord.  Joint agency statement indicating that the tenant has a right to their suggested modification has little power to persuade, as it does not explicitly purport to interpret the statute.

Third Circuit: In re: Tribune Media Company

Bankruptcy Court had statutory jurisdiction to resolve discrimination claims against debtor as a matter of law, as plaintiff consented to jurisdiction, and the statutory carve-out that would usually move personal-injury tort claims to the District Court is not a jurisdictional provision.

Implicit consent to jurisdiction suffices for a Bankruptcy Court to resolve the claim; by filing and seeking judgment from the court, Plaintiff consented to jurisdiction as to constitutional concerns.  Constitutional challenges to the court's jurisdiction might have been lodged during the proceedings or in a motion challenging the denial of claim, making the present challenge untimely.

As plaintiff received notice and opportunity to be heard, there were no Due Process violations inherent in the Bankruptcy forum; consent to forum waived the jury trial right; challenge to local counsel rule waived for not being raised below.

Post-discharge, a tort liability claim that was incorporated in the bankruptcy settlement cannot be transferred or remanded.

Given absence of incidents in employee's file, employer not liable for racial animus under respondeat superior.

Employee's termination for fighting during the incident of alleged racial animus had a sufficiently non-discriminatory rationale.

Third Circuit: William Lee v. Sixth Mt Zion Baptist Church

Claims of minister whose contract with his church was terminated for cause due to lack of spiritual leadership do not present an issue for trial, as the question would impermissibly entangle the court in religious matters, and the church has a freestanding First Amendment right to select its ministers.

End of Day

Working much more slowly at these than before for some reason.  This should have been a 100% coverage day.  For the nonce, chalking it up to putting the task at the end of a long day.  Or perhaps the Trollope over dinner.  Reading rhythms.



Fifth Circuit: In Re: Alfred Bourgeois

Second or successive habeas petitions from prisoners in federal custody must meet the same statutory thresholds as do those from state prisoners.

Fifth Circuit: Thomas Martone v. Walter Robb, III, et al

Plaintiff need not sell stock to establish loss causation for standing -- purchase at inflated price and holding at reduced value suffices for particular injury.

Where there was no alternative that would have avoided the fall in stock price, the allegedly harmful timing of the disclosure might have been a legitimate business decision.  ANy hedging strategy would, as a matter of law, have required disclosure.  Additionally, the board could no have been certain that the employee stock plan would be a net purchaser during the period under consideration.

Fifth Circuit: Norman Bloom v. Aftermath Pub Adjusters, Inc., et

Absent state precedent to the contrary, in a federal forum, state procedural rules on tolling of claim are limited to the class of persons explicitly identified in the state precedent or statute.  Federal forum cannot equitably modify, as it is a question of law.

Third Circuit: Delaware Riverkeeper Network v. Sec PA Dept Env Protection

Given the strong presumption of administrative unreviewability until final administrative action, the statute's silence eon the question, combined with a jurisdictional grant over state actions create an inference of unreviwability until after final administrative decision.

As the agency decision takes effect prior to administrative appeal and the administrative appeal happens within an entirely separate proceeding, the agency decision is sufficiently final for statutory exclusive jurisdiction.

Rulemaking notice was sufficient; there is no requirement that notice requirements be set forth in a regulation; notice allowed interested parties to participate meaningfully in a process that was actually pending.

Agency approval conditioned on subsequent permit grant was not intrinsically arbitrary and capricious.

Whether or not a Takings Clause claim can arise under the statute, there is sufficient remedy in the existing appeals process.

Statute and APA allow court to consider pendent claims arising from the state constitution.

Third Circuit: Marc Silver v. Omnicare Inc

Although the statute does not permit a relator to pursue a qui tam action where the fraud is public knowledge, where the relator uses privately available information to make sense of the public information and the public information, standing alone, would not reasonably or plausibly supported an inference of fraud under the heightened pleading requirements for the claim.

Third Circuit: Alex Taksir v. Vanguard Group

State action for breach of contract in reference to undisclosed transaction fees is not barred by the terms of the securities act, as the misrepresentation is not in connection to the sale of the security, and would not be material to the transaction.  As the misrepresentation is outside of the act's scope, a fraud claim is similarly not forbidden.

First Circuit: Lemelson v. Bloomberg L.P.


First Circuit: Scholz v. Goudreau

Grammatical corrigenda.

First Circuit: Boudreau v. Lussier

Material corrigenda.

Federal Circuit: Grimsrud v. Department of Transportation

Denial of en banc without comment.

Tenth Circuit: Grissom v. Carpenter

Trial counsel's arguments in mitigation phase at capital trial largely covered the ground that a closer examination of petitioner's undiagnosed brain damage would have led to, so state habeas ruling that representation was not constitutionally ineffective was not an unreasonable one.

Defense counsel's concession of the elements of the crime made instruction on lesser-included offenses redundant, and was apparently a legitimate strategic decision to focus the jury's attention on mitigation.  As defendants cannot withdraw a defense, apparently stipulating to the elements shouldn't waive the instruction.  Voluntary intoxication instruction was not prejudicial, given the high standard for relief under state law, and exists as a complete defense, not a mitigation.  State habeas denial was therefore not unreasonable.

State habeas denial for cumulative error, presumably referencing ineffective assistance for the lack of lesser-included instruction and mitigation, was not unreasonable and contrary to law; de novo review of the total record in federal habeas can establish this.

Ninth Circuit: Lucero v. Holland

Apparently incriminating gang writings insufficiently testimonial to trigger Confrontation Clause protections when introduced against a nontestifying codefendant.

Expert testimony that gang member was to have access to a weapon at all times and proximity to assault with a puncturing weapon insufficient to establish possession of a weapon.

Ninth Circuit: US v. Raygoza-Garcia

The vehicle's innocent conduct created sufficiently particularized and objective reasonable suspicion for the stop, given the experience of the officers.

Special Concur: True according to precedent, but problematic to use innocent conduct as basis for border stops.

Ninth Circuit: McCray v. Marriott

Where a labor right arises from a statute but is waived by a CBA, a challenge to the waiver is construed as a challenge to the statute, not to the CBA, making preemption removal inapposite and depriving the federal court of jurisdiction over the question of state law.

Dissent:  It's about the CBA.

Eighth Circuit: Matthew Dickson v. Gospel for ASIA, Inc.

Arbitration agreement had sufficient mutuality in the counter-party's agreement to be bound.

Dissent: State law requires that, in order to create an enforceable agreement, both parties to an arbitration agreement must agree to arbitrate claims.

Seventh Circuit: Estate of Derek Williams, Jr. v. Jeffrey Cline

Remand of interlocutory review of denial of qualified immunity in order for the court below to make factual findings as to the defts' specific conduct.

Seventh Circuit: USA v. Napoleon Foster

A conviction for using a firearm in the course of a robbery precludes increasing the underlying sentence for the robbery itself for explosive or weapons threats, even when those threats are unconnected to the firearm used in the robbery.

Fifth Circuit: Joseph Zadeh, et al v. Mari Robinson, et al

While the medical profession generally is not a closely regulated industry for the purpose of determining the legitimate expectation of privacy of its members, pain management clinics might be a different case.  Grant of qualified immunity upheld, as the scope of legitimate targets of administrative subpoenas was not clearly defined at the time.

Search not pretextual, as it was not conducted entirely to uncover criminality.

Court appropriately prudentially declined to hear application to stay state medical board's investigation, which can be considered a judicial proceeding.

Supervisor who acted according to the usual practices of the department was not deliberately indifferent to the potential harms of subdelegation.

Concur dubitante: @justicewillett -- QI problematic.

Fifth Circuit: Marcus Mote v. Debra Walthall

Employees' rights of expressive association and freedom of speech in forming association for mutual aid and support is protected under the First Amendment whether or not state law will permit the association to become an exclusive bargaining agent for the employees.  Denial of qualified immunity upheld, as this was clearly established at the time.

Third Circuit: Theodore Hayes v. Philip Harvey

Statute providing that a tenant receiving federal assistance may elect to remain in the housing under a different assistance program if the landlord opts out of the first assistance program creates a right to lease renewal absent good cause enforceable against any purchaser of a property currently rented to participants in the first assistance program.

Deference to agency's interpretation according to the power to persuade; remand to determine what constitutes good cause for nonrenewal.

End of Day:



Seventh Circuit: Milton v. Boughton

Although the evidence from the uncounseled lineup was not properly admissible, petitioner was not prejudiced from the admission, given the other eyewitness identifications.

Seventh Circuit: Anthony Kaminski v. Nancy Berryhill

Panel rehearing order with request for edited opinion by agency head.

Sixth Circuit: United States v. Kurt Mallory

Court did not abuse its discretion in finding that a witness was unavailable, since although the medical records were old, they indicated chronic conditions, and while the witness was earlier produced to the courtroom from the local jail, he was home-bound at the time of the trial.

No Confrontation Clause issue where the evidence that emerged after the deposition of the later-unavailable witness might have been presented at trial to attack the witness' credibility.

Although handwriting analysis does not have significant empirical support, it is a field of specialized expertise that might be useful to the finder of fact.  

Error for judge to weigh motion to set aside the verdict as an objective question of sufficiency of the evidence, as the correct question was whether the judge subjectively understood the verdict to be against the weight of the evidence.

Sixth Circuit: League of Women Voters of Mich. v. Ruth Johnson

Elected representatives' interest in preserving relationships with their constituents merited permission to intervene in a redistricting action, as the interest was distinct from the interests represented by the other plaintiffs.  In appellate review of the decision to deny permissive intervention, the equitable factors balanced are those prevailing at the time of the original decision to deny intervention.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Carlos Fuentes-Canales

Although petitioner's sentence was flawed in that it counted a state statute as its generic federal equivalent, since the special verdict form required that the jury have found that either all the elements of the generic offense or all the elements of another generic offense had been met, the error in sentencing does not merit reversal for reasons of fairness or judicial integrity.

Third Circuit: USA v. Jay Goldstein

En banc order.

Third Circuit: USA v. Theodore Clark, III

Traffic stop was in violation of the Fourth Amendment, as the questioning into criminal history continued past the point at which the computerized driver's licence check had been completed.

First Circuit: Narragansett Indian Tribe v. RI Dep't of Transportation

Sovereign immunity bars claim arising from highway construction, as the private right of action in the Act exists only to enforce the Act, not to challenge the program-based decisions of the agency.

Federal court does not have jurisdiction over a breach of contract suit against a state unless the claim states a disputed and substantial federal issue, and prudential factors are favorable.

First Circuit: Lemelson v. Bloomberg L.P.

News organization's pre-publication fact checking and investigation did not justify a finding of actual malice, as comment was sought from the investigating agency, and the fact that the agency's investigation centered on a company and not the plaintiff didn't make it less likely that the plaintiff was under investigation.

End of day

More here:'

Also 9, 10 & 11th.


Fifth Circuit: SCF Waxler Marine, L.L.C., et al v. Aris T M/V, et al.

Appellate court does not have jurisdiction over an interlocutory appeal challenging the trial court's holding that contractually, the excess insurers liability under the state's direct recovery statute is limited to the insured vessel.

Fifth Circuit: Swinterton Builders v. Oklahoma Surety

Insurer had duty to defend, since the written agreement establishing the company as an insured party did not need to be countersigned by the company to be a written agreement; the company's consent can be inferred.

Where the claim is for breach of contract, an insurer still has a duty to defend against a claim for property damage where the factual situation alleged might present a claim for property damage.

Whether or not anti-stacking provisions apply to duty to defend, it would be inequitable to apply them here.

Damages in suit where insurer breached duty to defend qualify for state statute requiring prompt payment for the schedule.

Damages can be recovered under statute regardless of independent injury from the lack of payment.

Third Circuit: Ronald Cup v. Ampco Pittsburgh Corp

An order compelling arbitration, when issued while dismissing all counts in the present action, is sufficiently final for appeal.

Absent an explicit mention, employees who retired before the CBA are not integrated in the CBA   by references to other documents without an attempt to incorporate them.  As the arbitration provision requires that the matters arise under the CBA, it was error to compel arbitration.

First Circuit: Campbell v. Ackerman

As deft shifts the argument from actual innocence to an unjustified use of force during the search, trial court's exclusion of testimony as to irregularities in the search warrant is prudentially upheld, as the second argument was not raised squarely below.

Where the trial court found no liability, a claim of error in the damages testimony is moot.

First Circuit: Perry v. Spencer

Qualified immunity for prison officials in suit challenging placement of inmate in segregation cells, as it was unclear at which point the due process interest arose, and safety concerns allow prison officials considerable discretion in scheduling adversarial challenges to administrative decisions.

End of day

The pace, it must increase.  Look for increased coverage in coming days, if you're reading this.  Which you shouldn't be, as it shouldn't be relied upon for anything.

Other precedential holdings on 8/28


Third Circuit: Clayton Tanksley v. Lee Daniels

Although the standard is the perception of a layman, where no reasonable juror could find substantial similarity in the allegedly infringing content, judgment as a matter of law for not stating a claim is appropriate.

Although similarities in unprotectable elements of the two works can be probative of allegations of actual copying, striking similarities in the concept for the protagonist do not make the superficial similarities in the protectable expression a violation of copyright.

Third Circuit: Craig Geness v. Jason Cox

An argument for equitable tolling must be raised in the opening appellate brief; otherwise, it's waived.

When inquiring as to whether a nolle prosequi was a favorable determination, a court must look beyond the four corners of the order.

Given an affidavit to the contrary and absent any deposition testimony, speculation that exculpatory evidence was known at the time was insufficient to present a genuine issue of material fact.

Claim of discrimination under federal law is a new and separate claim not barred by Rooker-Feldman after earlier state court adjudication relating to the events.

Motion to amend at summary judgment stage within a year of filing is presumptively timely.

Second Circuit: Empire Merchants, LLC, et al. v. Reliable Churchill, LLLP, et al.

Smuggling operation is a single conspiracy for the purposes of civil RICO, as the particularly pleaded effects all result from the single operation.

Assertion of actual and foreseeable economic loss is insufficient to state a civil RICO claim, since the predicate conduct must be the proximate cause of the harm, and many factors might have prompted the economic loss.

End of day

Really, a city that never sleeps should have some 24 hour coffeehouses.  #itsleeps

Only 1 & 2 covered tonight.  More in 5-10 and Federal Circuit.  Cheers.


Second Circuit: Olagues v. Perceptive Advisors LLC

Defts were no longer corporate insiders for the purposes of the statute when the options expired, since regardless of whether the regulations imposed an earlier constructive time cutoff for the expiration of the option, the plain meaning of the statute, which is to be favored for the ease of mechanical implementation, refers to the actual expiration time of the option.

Second Circuit: United States v. Le

Acquisition of biological toxin through the Internet and the mails is fundamentally different than the local use of a similarly proscribed substance, so a statute need not be construed to avoid offending the police power of the states.

Even within such a narrowing construction, acquisition of this substance would be within the plain proscription of the federal statute.

Law implementing international convention is constitutional under the Commerce Clause.

First Circuit: Aguilar de Guillen v. Sessions

Immigration judge's finding that the persecution was economic in nature was not clearly erroneous in forgoing analysis of secondary and mixed motives, as the record indicates that mixed motives were considered, and nothing in the record suggests that either the judge or the agency understood the finding of economic motive to preclude a finding of secondary or mixed motives.

A social group of single mothers who cannot move from their region is insufficiently particular for consideration of the possibility of future persecution. 

Bare claim that agency's data is dated is insufficient to make it arbitrary or capricious absent a showing of changed conditions.

First Circuit: Gustavsen v. Alcon Laboratories, Inc.

Plaintiffs challenging design of medication container allege sufficient monetary loss for standing, given the possibility that the market will pass along some savings from a redesigned container to the consumer, and the fact that the present design operates as a surcharge.

Statute with a discrete list in the first subpoint and a list of qualitative factors in the second subpoint encompasses anything that corresponds to the qualitative factors, whether or not in the first subpoint. 

Where an agency's sporadic rulemaking or adjudication is in tension with clearly considered regulatory guidance, less deference is due to the former.

End of day


(NB all are dynamic links, and therefore potentially misleading.)


Sixth Circuit: Loren Robinson v. Jeffrey Woods

A sentencing scheme relying in part on questions decided as a matter of law by the judge violates the right to a trial by jury; where the scheme sets a mandatory minimum beneath a fixed statutory maximum, the system is sufficiently determinate to be subject to Sixth Amendment scrutiny.

Sixth Circuit: Ky. Emps. Ret. Sys. v. Seven Ctys. Servs., Inc.

Community mental health center is not a government instrumentality, since it was not started by the government, its leadership isn't selected by the government, and the government doesn't have the power unilaterally to terminate it.

Question certified on the basis of the relationship withe the state employees retirement system.

Second Circuit: United States v. Santillan

Traffic stop was reasonably prolonged after suspects were nervous and unable to explain where they were coming from.

Admission of statements arising from a discovery of money during patdown later admitted as inevitable discovery was harmless error.

Being placed in the back seat of the police car insufficiently custodial to require Miranda warning.

Passenger in car without a close relationship to the driver does not have a legitimate expectation of privacy in the area around the passenger's seat, and therefore cannot object to a search.

Dissent: Generalized nervousness and presence of energy drinks are not a cause for suspicion; race is occasionally a factor; driver is not required to tell police where they are driving from.

Second Circuit: United States v. Hoskins

Appellate courts have statutory jurisdiction over interlocutory appeals of dismissals of significant parts of individual counts charged, together with pendent jurisdiction over any preliminary rulings inextricably intertwined.

Foreign nationals operating abroad who are not agents of US companies form a discrete class of persons which Congress deliberately excluded from the Act; US conspiracy law does not apply to foreign nationals violating the act abroad without a connection to a US interest, given the presumption against extraterritorial application.

Concur: The principles underlying the presumption against extraterritorial application and legislative history establishes this, but Congress should revisit.

First Circuit: Torres-Pagan v. Berryhill


First Circuit: US v. Rivera-Berrios

Where the present offense prompted the revocation of an earlier parole, federal law requires that the criminal history of the deft for the present sentencing rates the earlier conviction at its post-revocation level. 

Substantively, the sentence was within the encincture of the court's discretion.

End of day

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Fifth Circuit: USA v. Raylin Richard

Plea bargain appeals waiver bars challenge to element of crime charged in bill of information; a guilty plea to the bill with a factual resume concedes all elements of conviction.

Sentence increase for causing victim to engage in certain behavior does not require that the victim is conscious of engaging in the behavior.

Sentence increase for obstruction justified when the obstruction is in a closely related matter.