Third Circuit: USA v. Juan Ramos

Statute is divisible for purposes of modified categorical review despite the fact that governing precedent allows indictment and conviction without requiring the finder of fact to agree on the theory of the crime; i.e., a jury could split between the elements.

State statute categorically a crime of violence, as it is inconceivable that someone could try to injure another with a deadly weapon without using force.

Eleventh Circuit: David Dwayne Cassady v. Steven D. Hall, et al

Post-judgment motion to District Court seeking garnishment of funds due state inmate from a state employee is construed as a suit for the purposes of the Eleventh Amendment when it makes some claim, demand, or request against the state.

State did not waive immunity by authorizing garnishment for funds due state employees or officials as a result of services performed, and under the Rules Enablement Act, Rule 69 cannot serve as a modification or abridgment of any substantive rights.

Federal Circuit: Sunpreme, Inc. v. US

The residual clause of the Trade Court's jurisdictional statute cannot be invoked if there is a practicable alternative basis for jurisdiction elsewhere in the statute; the court therefore did not have jurisdiction to issue an injunction during the pendency of an agency scope determination, the completion of which could then be challenged under the statute.

Federal Circuit: Land of Lincoln Mutual Health v. US

No contract-based Takings claim, as there was no contract.

Legislative enactment does not create a property interest cognizable under the Takings Clause.

Dissent: Contract.

Federal Circuit: Moda Health Plan v. US

Where a statute commits to the government's disbursal of funds from a single program according to a certain formula, subsequent budgetary riders need not place a categorical ban on payment from other sources when limiting the payouts from that program in order to function as a sufficiently clear implied repeal of the initial commitment.

Absent the trappings of a contractual agreement or some sign of intent to enter into a contract, government legislation and subsequent agency rulemaking and conduct does not indicate an intention to enter into a binding contract.

Dissent:  Insufficiently clear statement of repeal, explicit attempts at repeal did not pass, insurers had completed their part of the deal, judgment fund is available, contract existed.

Tenth Circuit: United States v. Driscoll

When determining the timeliness of a Habeas petition, the critical element is the right asserted; the question of whether an ambiguous conviction is or is not contradicted by the new rule is a matter for merits consideration.

As the petitioner was convicted under a statute broader than the generic offense, it is more likely than not that they were convicted under the unconstitutional residual clause, justifying the granting of the writ.

On merits, granted as not harmless error.

Seventh Circuit: Thaddeus Jones v. Michelle Qualkinbush

The right to vote on policy questions in a referendum is a creature of state, not federal, law, and the referendum process is not a public forum under the First Amendment, so a state entity might legitimately dominate the process if there is a reasonable basis for it to do so.

A politician disadvantaged by the state's manipulation of the referendum process is a class of one for Equal Protection purposes, and where the conduct is valid as a general matter, the question is not justiciable.  (This last bit is clearly implied, but not explicitly stated in those terms.)

Sixth Circuit: Sazerac Brands, LLC v. Peristyle, LLC

Where a company acquires a historic manufacturing site, a plaintiff claiming infringement of the trademarked name must, to state  claim, establish that the mark associated with the site was not used merely in a good-faith descriptive or geographical sense.

(Though it says that unfair use is part of the necessary claim, the interlocutory order here affects a partial summary judgment.)

Fifth Circuit: Franchise Svc of North America v. United States Trustee

As shareholder rights under the corporate charter are a matter of state law and the power of a corporation to invoke bankruptcy protection arises from local law, the federal public policy interest in assuring the bankruptcy proceeding does not preclude a shareholder from blocking the bankruptcy filing where that shareholder is also a creditor, so long as there is no evidence of bad faith in the acquisition of the blocking shareholder rights.

Whether the acquisition of such rights under the charter violates state law is not before the court, as the parties don't raise it here.

Simple acquisition of a controlling interest in a stock class is insufficient proof of corporate control for purposes of judging breach of fiduciary duty; blocking the filing is not per se proof of such control.

Fifth Circuit: Gail McClendon v. USA

Regardless of the ultimate burden at trial, a deft's reasonably supported assertion that less than the full amount of taxes due was available for use in the company's accounts presents a genuine issue of material fact for trial.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Ronald Ary

Under both state and federal law, a state deferred adjudication for this type of crime qualifies as a valid predicate conviction for sentencing purposes.

An indictment that omits this element of the offense does not offend Due Process, since Apprendi and its progeny specifically except prior convictions.

Third Circuit: USA v. Christopher Welshans

Where deft stipulated to the prohibited content, error to admit prejudicial videos and refer to them in closing, but no Due Process violation given the overwhelming evidence of guilt.

Deft's deletion of files upon learning that the police were on the way was sufficiently contemporaneous with arrest to qualify for the Obstruction sentencing enhancement, but as the files were simply moved to the recycle file, there was no material hindrance.

Concur/Dissent:  Actions upon learning of investigation are not sufficiently contemporaneous with arrest.

Ninth Circuit: Clifford Tindall v. First Solar Inc.

Where FRCP indicates abuse of discretion review, but the dismissal for not stating a claim would usually prompt de novo, circuit precedent compels a three-judge panel to review the claim for abuse of discretion.

Under Delaware law, the Board's role in financial disclosures and press releases is not a business judgment for the purposes of assessing demand futility, since the releases and disclosures are snapshots of past business decisions.  The correct test looks to general oversight.

Where a court denies leave to amend in a situation where it is usually granted absent prejudice, but the rule merely permits granting for good cause, there is no need to cite or discuss the rule, so long as there is no abuse of discretion of the good cause standard.

Eighth Circuit: Stuart Wright v. United States of America

Local rules mandate that the reply brief to a motion for summary judgment must be in a certain form, not that it must contest all statements of fact not waived.

Under law of the case, basketball player falsely arrested justified the subsequent restraint on his liberty by briefly backing away from the police; this presents no issue for trial.

As the arrest and detention were justified, no abuse of process.

Arrest and tasing midcourt did not rise to the level of assault, as the officers thought that they were arresting a dangerous person.

Eighth Circuit: Jonathan Ervin v. Michael Bowersox

State's use of a video at trial showing the invocation of previously waived Miranda rights in the course of an interrogation and references to the video in opening and closing statements were not an unreasonable application of clearly established federal law.

Factual determinations not unreasonable.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Hosea Swopes

State statute is a valid ACCA predicate.

Per curiam, simple assertion of precedent.

Eighth Circuit: Jim Sciaroni v. Target Corporation

Class appropriately certified despite court's mistaken finding that class members without present injury would be entitled to a pro rata share of the remainder of the fund.

Class appropriately certified despite potential inter-class conflicts over later-arising harms from the data breach, since all class members suffered the same injury at the same time.

29% Fee award can appropriately be based on a total that includes administrative costs; fees not substantively unreasonable.

Settlement not unfair, despite alleged subtle signs of collusion.

Fifth Circuit: Esther White v. Cigna Group Insurance

Abuse of discretion for the Plan Administrator not to mention insurer's medical report asserting that the level of drug intoxication was impossible to determine given the tests run, withhold the report from discovery, and deny the claim.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Candido Hernandez-Avila

Given the recent holding of the US Supreme Court defining the age of consent for the general offense of statutory rape, the state statute is not a valid sentencing predicate, as the state statute is stricter, and a strict liability offense.

Government's post-briefing argument that the crime is a crime of violence under the instant provision of the sentencing guidelines refers to an earlier version of the guidelines with materially different language -- the older version cites crimes with a "substantial risk" of violence.

Contention that the sentence would be justified under another part of the guidelines is not properly before the court, as the question is simply whether the current sentence was correctly imposed.

Fifth Circuit: Edward Busby v. Lorie Davis, Director

Assertion of actual innocence in a second state Habeas that was dismissed summarily with an indication that the court did not reach the merits was not dismissed for procedural default, as the briefing indicates (which would at any rate be a reasonable ruling, since Federal courts are permitted to do such things), but for the alternate reason in the statute, namely that no reasonable juror would have accepted the claim.   As this alternate ground is not challenged, the state denial was not an unreasonable application of facts or federal law.

Second non-AEDPA federal Habeas asserting identical claims is denied on merits.

Ineffective Assistance claim based on direct appeal was not raised in initial state Habeas -- ineffective assistance in collateral proceedings is insufficient excuse for the default of claim, as there is no right to counsel at that stage.

No prejudice from ineffective assistance at trial.

Editorial note:  End the death penalty.

First Circuit: US v. Gonzalez-Negron

Souter, by designation.

No plain error in court's acceptance of plea for possession of a weapon in furtherance of a drug crime where the gun and the drugs were found in separate areas of the residence, given modificaitons to gun and gov't proffer to prove role in drug scheme.

No plain error in colloquy's omission of clarification of "in furtherance," as it is a plain term, and there was no showing that deft would have changed the plea.

First Circuit: US v. Benitez-Beltran

Territory's crime of Attempted Murder is a valid predicate offense, since (1) Territory's definition of murder requires purposeful or knowing conduct, and the generic offense merely requires reckless indifference; and (2) the act or omission required for the attempt could be counted as the substantial step in furtherance, cf. MPC.

Government's mention of impermissible sentencing factors at sentencing was insufficient to establish that the court relied on them in sentencing.

No substantive error in upward variance, as court developed a theory of recidivism; no error in court's using arguments offered in mitigation as factors weighing in favor of a higher sentence, given the concern with recidivism.

No substantive error for a ten-year felon-in-possession sentence to be served consecutively to the existing 90 year sentence for aggravated robbery.

First Circuit: US v. Serrano-Acevedo

Insufficient articulable grounds for a protective sweep where two armed men robbed a bank, and both had been detained prior to the sweep through the house.

Subsequent consent to search was tainted by the fruits of the sweep.

Court's instruction sufficient to cure in-court statement by police officer saying that the robbers had been identified to him by name by an informant.

Other hearsay harmless.

First Circuit: US v. Tanco-Pizarro

In a revocation of supervised release proceeding, challenges raised for the first time in a motion to reconsider the sentence are not preserved for appeal.

Absent a showing of potentially exculpatory evidence, no plain error in denial of discovery and continuance in revocation hearing, given indictment handed down in a parallel proceeding,.

No plain error in considering the magnitude of the offense and the need for just punishment in the revocation proceeding, as they speak to the magnitude of the breach of trust in the parole violation.

Prior compliance with parole waived for not being raised below.

No plain error in an upward variance five times the upper limit of the range, as adequately discussed at sentencing.

Substantively, no abuse of discretion in the sentence, as it's not implausible or indefensible.

Tenth Circuit: Perry v. Durborow

Challenges to questions of fact in interlocutory petition for relief seeking qualified immunity do not remove jurisdiction where counsel stipulates to the facts at issue during spoken arguments.

Qualified immunity for supervisory liability of detainee rape, as a general prohibition on deliberate indifference to sexual abuse didn't sufficiently prohibit supervision of a facility where male guards encountered female prisoners outside the view of security cameras.

Ninth Circuit: Guilliermo Gomez-Sanchez v. Jefferson B. Sessions III

Amended opinion.

Eighth Circuit: Mary Brazil v. Arkansas Dept of Human Service

In a suit alleging discrimination in employment practices, a material change in the plaintiff's working situation moots a claim of retaliation that seeks injunctive relief where there is only a speculative possibility that the employee might be transferred back to her old position.

Eighth Circuit: Leslie Grussing v. Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

No error in trial court's refusal to allow questioning of an expert on a line of inquiry that had been established by another witness.

In a diversity action, federal law governs the review of counsel statements in closing arguments.

Given curative instruction, deft counsel's mis-characterization of the burden of proof was not plainly injurious.

Eighth Circuit: Missourians for Fiscal, etc. v. James Klahr

State law prohibiting the formation of political committees after 30 days before an election is subject to strict scrutiny, as the law speaks to formation, a precondition for speech, and not disclosure.

The law is overbroad, as citizens might have cause to speak within the prohibited window, there are subsequent reporting requirements closer to the election, and past practice of the agency in merely imposing a $1,000 fine does not save the act.

Eighth Circuit: In re Sealed Case

Where a court varies downward from a statutory maximum which is beneath the published guidelines range and the sentence is later further reduced on the government's motion, the sentence is not sufficiently based on the published range to merit relief after subsequent changes to that range.

Seventh Circuit: USA v. Todd Dyer

Where deft challenges plea at trial by asserting grounds of innocence, an appellate challenge to the plea on other grounds is reviewed for plain error.

No plain error in magistrate's acceptance of plea where deft made one or two word answers in colloquy and court did not inquire into possible bipolar disorder.

Sixth Circuit: Acosta v. Cathedral Buffet Inc.

Following reversal and remand, the appellate court should refrain from granting leave to file a motion at the Circuit level for fees under the statute; the District Court is better positioned to judge the matter.

Fifth Circuit: Innova Hospital San Antonio LP v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield

ERISA action need not identify the specific language of every plan provision at issue to state a claim, so long as the pleading is not overly conclusory; the suit might be resolved using representative terms.

Under state law, similar analysis applied to the claim for breach of contract.

As a suit for monetary damages is possible, a suit for breach of fiduciary duty is barred by the statute and precedent.

No error in denial of leave to amend second amended complaint, as the request did not discuss the legal standard for untimely leave to amend.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Richard Evans

No plain error in conviction where the procedures of the medical practice were the subject of testimony and the link to the individual cases in the indictment was merely the patients' medical files.

Finder of fact might reasonably have found the non-narcotics elements of the medical practice to be cookie-cutter and superficial cover for the actual work of the practice.

Even absent a showing as to the amount of "clean money" in a commingled account, no plain error in the aggregation of all withdrawals in computing the total amount of withdrawals to determine if the amount withdrawn must necessarily have included the criminal proceeds.

No plain error in mail fraud conviction where finder of fact might have found an implied promise in the patient communications of a proper standard of care.

Witness' opinion of illicit nature of practice sufficiently based in commonsensical inference.

Arguendo, if Confrontation Clause was violated by not allowing deft to cross after prosecution assertion in direct that witness (who had been notified that she was a target of an investigation) was not a suspect; testimony was cumulative.

Third Circuit: Marie Gillispie v. Regionalcare Hospital Partners

Whistleblower who merely objected in internal meetings to non-reporting of facts already known to the decisionmakers does not qualify for the protections of the federal statute.

State common-law employment protections are preempted by the state whistleblower statute.

Second Circuit: Edrei v. Bratton

A 14th Amendment S1983 action alleging excessive force in the use of acoustic weapons states a claim where the force is intentionally applied and the officer is aware of its unreasonable use, given lack of exigency, proportionality of response, and mitigation.

Second Circuit: ING Bank N.V. v. M/V TEMARA

A statutory maritime lien arises by operation of law when a vessel contracts for covered supplies and the supplies are delivered pursuant to the contract, regardless of whether the eventual provision occurred through a chain of intermediaries.

The subcontractor is operating pursuant to another's agreement with the party to the contract with the vessel, and therefore the subcontractor cannot assert a lien against the vessel.

Equitable remedies such as unjust enrichment are not a basis for a judgment against the vessel, as the lien is an in rem action.

Error for the District Court to issue a sua sponte summary judgment absent notice to parties where a reasonable possibility existed of a factual dispute.

Second Circuit: U.S. v. Daugerdas

Although, since the interest attached at the time of the offense, the government has a superior claim to the forfeited funds, if the recipient of a gratuitous transfer can allege facts sufficient to infer that the transfer preceded the criminal acts, Due Process and the statute both allow the third party, despite the issues resolved in the criminal action, to claim a superior interest, since commingling of funds would bar the relation-back of the government's interest.


Eleventh Circuit: Sandra Slater v. U.S. Steel Corporation

Maintenance of inconsistent positions in civil litigation (e.g., not disclosing a suit for damages in a bankruptcy litigation) is not in itself making a sham of the judicial system; the court, when making such a determination, must consider the plaintiff/petitioner's sophistication and the conduct of the suit.

Eleventh Circuit: US v. Ramon Cobena Duenas

Sufficient evidence for a courier's conviction for counterfeiting conspiracy under the prudent smuggler doctrine where the prosecution demonstrates a plenitude of contacts among the organization, the courier evinces an awareness of the unlawful nature of the operation, and the courier's actions are critical to the success of the operation.

Federal Circuit: Agility Logistics v. Defense

Errratum.  (Caption change.)

Federal Circuit: Medtronic, Inc. v. Barry

Patent -- substantial evidence. 

etc, etc.

Federal Circuit: Stone Baskets LLC v. Cook Medical LLC

No abuse of discretion in denial of fees in patent litigation, etc, etc.

Federal Circuit: Williams v. MSPB

Agency regulation holding a minimal period of unemployment when transferring between jobs is sufficient to constitute a break in employment for purposes of qualifying for protections of judicial review is a reasonable one, and as it's specific, it's not subject to the anti-parroting canon.

When an agency does not inform an employee of the loss of appeal rights from a transfer, those appeal rights can't later be grated by the Board when they are outside of the statutory jurisdiction of the Board.

No Due Process rights, as the boundaries of the right are coterminous with the boundaries of the statute.

Federal Circuit: Chicago Coating Company v. US

As the deeds of conveyance to the railway were in quitclaim form, a presumption of conveyance in fee simple arises.  Reference in one case to a right of way is insufficient to overcome this presumption, as it was likely used to identify the existing easement that ran across the property to be conveyed.  Right of re-entry doesn't argue either way, but a reverter in the second deed further reinforces the conveyance in fee simple.  Etc, etc.

Carlos Quinteros-Cisneros v. Jefferson B. Sessions III

As state law distinguishes sentencing enhancements from aggravating circumstances and requires sentencing enhancements to be included in the charge, an element of a sentencing enhancement can make the conviction a predicate felony in an immigration removal proceeding.

As sexual abuse of a minor is per se abusive, the conviction is a valid predicate as a crime of abuse.

Ninth Circuit: Patricia Campbell v. EDU-HI

Employer's loss of a performance report is not, by itself, an adverse employment action. 

Investigation of employee that did not affect her working conditions was not an adverse employment action; the suggestion that others were placed on paid leave while under investigation did not make the continued conditions of employment an adverse action.

Denial of transfer not adverse, since application was untimely.

Music and dance teacher did not establish that classes other than remedial math were available to teach; the assignment therefore was not an adverse one.

Lack of comparators for most claims.

Claim of hostile work environment from student animus is defeated by district's incremental and timely response.

Employer's speech in workplace reasonable.

As no adverse action, no retaliation; actions had sufficient neutral justification.

Standards for Title VII claim identical to Title IX claim.

Ninth Circuit: US v. Paul Swallow

Sentencing determination that the deft's tennis shoes were dangerous weapons when used to stomp on the victim's head was not an abuse of discretion.

Error, though, to hold that the crime was committed for something of value when the deft had attacked the victim after not receiving the promised drugs in exchange for his wife's $10.

Ninth Circuit: April Bain v. California Teachers Ass'n

Where the original parties to the suit challenging union fees leave covered employment during the pendency of the appeal and can therefore no longer receive the sought equitable and injunctive relief, the case is moot; it cannot be converted into an action for damages, and an organizational plaintiff cannot be joined to preserve standing. 

The remedy is dismissal without a vacatur of the earlier decision on the merits.

Ninth Circuit: Richard Vos v. City of Newport Beach

Given the perimeter of police officers with guns, tasers, and dogs, the necessity of killing the gentleman running towards the exit of the 7-11 presents a genuine issue of disputed fact for trial.

Qualified immunity for officers, as circuit precedent as to the appropriate bounds of behavior when dealing with odd, threatening people carrying sharp things was a bit unclear; question of municipal liability remanded.

As the ADA claim of lack of accommodation isn't dispelled by the fact that the officers didn't initiate the confrontation, the issue of reasonable accommodation presents a question for trial.

State tort definition of negligence reasonableness is distinct from Fourth Amendment reasonableness.

Dissent: Fact of mental illness in the suspect shouldn't change the calculus on the use of deadly force in an exigent situation.

Eighth Circuit: Porfirio Rodriguez v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc

In an ADA action, occasional delays in a good-faith negotiation are not a basis for equitable estoppel against deft's argument that the agency filing required by the statute wasn't timely.

Eighth Circuit: Henry Miranda v. Jefferson Sessions, III

For purposes of immigration removal, the question of whether a particular group is a cognizable social group under the statute is a question of law.

Former taxi drivers who witnessed a murder and were subsequently threatened by a gang do not constitute such a group.

Eighth Circuit: James Dean v. Burdette Searcey

Holding of prior panel is binding circuit precedent, in addition to law of the case.

Where the principal agent in the theory of municipal liability is exonerated at trial, municipality may still be liable under the theory that the principal actor was exonerated in his functional role, but held to be culpable in his managerial and policymaking role.

Sufficient evidence to support earlier interlocutory holdings on qualified immunity.

Statements and visual aids in opening and closing that referenced innocence of plaintiffs were not unduly prejudicial.

No error in reckless investigation jury instruction that referenced reckless gathering of unreliable evidence, as it does not suggest the lesser threshold of negligence. 


Seventh Circuit: Village of Barrington, IL v. STB

Dicta: Appeal of Board's denial of motion to reconsider as final agency action does not necessarily incorporate earlier decisions, especially when the earlier decisions are not apart of the appellate record.

Appeal of material error which dates to initial board action cannot be appealed by challenging subsequent denials to reconsider.

New evidence raised at motions to reconsider was either available to parties earlier or raised in earlier proceedings.

Sixth Circuit: Amir Shabo v. Jefferson B. Sessions, III

Since agency removal order factual finding that there was an insufficient likelihood of torture after deportation presents neither an issue of law nor one of constitutional rights, the court does not have jurisdiction over the appeal to the agency's parallel holding that the conditions in the other country hadn't changed.

Sixth Circuit: U.S. ex rel. Marjorie Prather v. Brookdale Senior Living Cmty., et al. - Middle District of Tennessee at Nashville

In a False Claims Act suit, a time factor is material where the governing statute references a regulation that, in the process of defining the list of terms within the referenced regulation, subsequently incorporates the timing factor.

Past practice is not dispositive at the motion-to-dismiss stage where there is no showing that the government was aware of the factor.

Training and instruction publications can help to establish that a certain factor goes to the essence of the bargain.

Sufficient proof of scienter for trial where deft instructed cursory review, was advised of requirements, and implicitly referenced the violation in internal emails.

Fifth Circuit: Kimberly Huckaba v. Ref-Chem, L.P.

Under state contract law which looks to the intent of the parties, explicit statement in the arbitration agreement that it was to be signed prior to being given effect or modified meant that omission of the drafters signature meant that there was no contract.

Fourth Circuit:Sade Garnett v. Remedi SeniorCare of Virginia

Employer not liable for workplace defamation since it wasn't in the employer's interests, wasn't condoned by the employer, and it was outside the scope of the tortfeasor's employment; there are literally millions of workplace interactions.

Eleventh Circuit: Carmina R. Comparelli, et al v. Republica Bolivariana De Venezuela, et al

Claim captioned as an ATS claim but arising under FISA is properly construed as a FISA claim.

As FISA expropriation suits require factual correctness to state a claim, courts can pierce the pleadings.

Where a state distinguishes between nationals and foreigners among its permanent residents, the seizure does not implicate the domestic takings exception to FISA expropriation claims; in the case of dual nationals, the inquiry into residence is fact-specific.

An effects-based nexus under the commercial exception to FISA counters the presumption against extraterritoriality.

Eleventh Circuit: Jyll Brink v. Raymond James & Associates, Inc.

Company's undisclosed profit margin within the transaction fee for a covered security was not a material misrepresentation bearing on the decision to purchase the security; a class action suit for redress is therefore not barred from the state courts by federal securities law.

Eleventh Circuit: USA v. Delroy Anthony McLean

For purposes of the statute protecting judges from impedance, interference, or intimidation, an immigration judge is a judicial officer who exercises the authority of the Attorney General, and therefore a judicial officer of the United States.

DC Circuit: Rachel Fraenkel v. Islamic Republic of Iran

District court's reduction of damages in a FISA suit seeking solatium (consolation) damages against killers of family member because the victims were targeted on the basis of foreign citizenship was an abuse of discretion.  The appropriate amount, though, is still a matter of judicial discretion.

Similarly, error to reduce damages for assumption of risk, given that the purpose of the statute is to reduce terrorism, and the victims' conduct was reasonable.$file/17-7100-1735019.pdf

DC Circuit: Washington Alliance of Technology Workers v. DHS

Trade group has competitor standing to challenge agency decision on student visas.

A claim that the agency exceeded statutory authority states a claim even absent factual allegations.

Under local rules, a party can rest on its claim in response to a motion to dismiss if the initial filing stated a plausible claim for relief.

Certain administrative challenges are not redressible.$file/17-5110-1735010.pdf

DC Circuit: Mercy Hospital, Inc. v. Alex M. Azar II

Statutory bar on judicial review of prospective payment rates bars review of "step-two" rates and any formulae inextricably intertwined.$file/16-5267-1734989.pdf

National Environmental Development Association's Clean Air Project v. EPA

As the statute unambiguously refers to regional inconsistencies from the delegation of the Administrator's powers, and moreover, implementing judicially-created inconsistencies is a reasonable resolution of the (un)ambiguity, no error in agency's inconsistent remedies implemented in response to bifurcated judicial review.$file/16-1344-1734993.pdf

DC Circuit: ESI Energy, LLC v. FERC

Agency did not err when, on remand, it discounted extrinsic evidence that the court had held to be ambiguous.

Relevant date for assigning cost responsibility for a power network upgrade might reasonably be the date of the execution of the agreement to join the network.$file/16-1261.pdf

DC Circuit: Colorado Fire Sprinkler, Inc. v. NLRB

Board's determination that a series of CBA recitations of exclusive representation was sufficient to establish sufficient employee support for the union when initially certified pre-hire was insufficiently reasoned and an abuse of discretion.$file/16-1261.pdf

DC Circuit: US v. Benjamin Grey

Absent a limiting instruction, possibly prejudicial testimony as to previous civil judgment(s?) was inadmissible hearsay and plain error -- but insufficient for reversal.

Prior bad acts were sufficiently contemporaneous to be probative of intent as to the charged crimes.

No need to remand to develop ineffective assistance claim, given evidence of guilt.$file/14-3003.pdf

Tenth Circuit: United States v. Melgar-Cabrera

Federal statute providing for incarceration for murder with a firearm is a separate offense, not a sentencing enhancement, given post-Apprendi jurisprudence.

Statute requiring the element of physical force in the commission of a felony implies the requirement of violent force.

Offensive touching can be sufficient force for Hobbs Act robbery.

Indirect force can be a use of physical force under the statute.

Tenth Circuit: Utah Republican Party v. Cox

Denial of en banc.

Concur from CJ:  Supreme Court should review.  Judicial regulation of political primaries imperils associational rights and substantive ends.

Ninth Circuit: US v. Hans Elding

State assault with a deadly weapon statute is a valid predicate crime of violence, as the requirement that the victim's immediate fear of reasonable bodily harm implies a use or threatened use of physical force.

As state robbery statute can be violated with violence to property, it isn't a categorical predicate crime of violence, and it doesn't match the generic definitions of robbery and extortion.

Questions about advisory sentencing guidelines are addressed under the rule of lenity.

As there is no requirement that the force used be violent, the state extortion statute isn't a predicate crime of violence.

Ninth Circuit: NLRB v. Ironworkers Local 433

First Amendment ruling as to speech against the government was an insufficient change in existing law to justify relief from judgment enforcing a contempt adjudication on secondary picketing under the Act, as alternate mechanisms of speech such as leaflets are still available, and the Act is content-neutral.

Concur: Not ripe, as only a vague desire to picket, and no indication of enforcement plans by management.

Eighth Circuit: Leslie Camick v. Jefferson B. Sessions III

As an alien has the power to challenge the knowingness of waiver and petition for an extension, overstaying a voluntary departure order exhausts the benefit of permitted departure and allows the government to finalize the alternative order of removal, with all waivers of the voluntary departure grant intact.

 (Again, all this is quick work.  Not legal advice.  Don't rely.)

Seventh Circuit: Warren Johnson v. Advocate Health and Hospitals

Reported statement of partially anonymous comparator as to their pay is neither hearsay nor sufficient to establish the validity of the comparator.

Descriptions of comaparators on unfair promotion claim, unfair assignments claim, and termination claim were not specific enough to establish them as legitimate.

Sworn statements and depositions averring discriminatory language suffice to present an issue for trial.

Even where a contractor performs many supervisory duties, a supervening agent who retains the ability to hire, fire, and discipline workers (beyond "rubber stamp" approval) can be liable for a claim of workplace discrimination.

Concur/Diss:  Reported workplace speech was too sporadic to present an issue of a hostile work environment.

Seventh Circuit: EEOC v. CVS Pharmacy, Incorporated

Award of fees against the Commission was an abuse of discretion, as there was a colorable argument that neither the Commission's own conciliation requirement nor the statutory requirement for same was a prerequisite to suit.

Sixth Circuit: United States v. Trevon Barcus - Eastern District of Tennessee at Knoxville

Categorically, the state statute was not a valid predicate for statutory offender registration, as it did not incorporate the specific intent required by the federal statute.

Given the statement in the commentary to the statute, offender lifetime monitoring  is a valid predicate for a sentencing bump for crimes committed during a criminal justice sentence.

Release conditions mandating psychological treatment and polygraph are reasonably related to registration offense.

Sixth Circuit: Barbara Fletcher v. Honeywell Int'l, Inc.

The durational clause of a CBA applies to health coverage absent clear affirmative language to the contrary.

Lifetime health benefits for survivors of workers does not imply a similar vesting for workers; in fact, it argues against any ambiguity as to the question where the agreement is silent on that point.

First Circuit: Caraballo-Caraballo v. Administracion de Correccion

In assessing comparators for a claim of workplace discrimination, the plaintiff's demonstrated ability in performing the present job should be taken into account.

Transfer to the Commissary, even absent diminution in rank or pay, was a sufficiently adverse employment action.

First Circuit: US v. Rivera-Hernandez

Sentencing judge appropriately considered deft's particular situation, given reasoning outside of the sentencing memorandum.

No error in within-guidelines sentence above the level set by plea deal.

First Circuit: Doe v. Trustees of Boston College

State contractual guarantees of good faith and fair dealing apply to a student's relationship with their university; where procedures are published, this duty is displaced by a contractual guarantee of compliance with the stated procedures.

While the school's procedures were generally in accord with the published rule, possibly prejudicial ex parte communications during the tribunal's deliberations present a genuine issue of material fact for trial.

Despite plaintiff's indications of intent to file a lawsuit, an email from an officer of the deft promising an independent investigation did not create a binding contract, as plaintiff never evinced a willingness to strike a deal -- there was no consideration.

Statistics alone can't establish a Title IX claim on the outcome or for deliberate indifference; the specific mechanism of discriminatory action needed to be identified.

Procedural unfairness in student disciplinary decisions sounds in contract, not tort.

First Circuit: US v. Laureano-Perez

Sentencing judge sufficiently weighed individual concerns, given recitation of deft's age, education, and work history.

Given that the present crime occurred while on supervised release for a drugs offense, no error in drug testing as a release condition.

First Circuit: US. Robles-Paron

Claim of ineffective assistance and judicial error in sentencing need not be refiled in a collateral proceeding where the government stipulates to the error.  Sentence can be vacated and remanded on direct appeal.

Judicial sentencing script sufficiently weighed individual considerations, and did not impermissibly focus on social concerns.

First Circuit: Caraballo-Caraballo v. Administracion de Correccion

When a superseding indictment adds charges arising out the same act, transaction or common scheme, the Sixth Amendment speedy trial clock for the added charges still runs from the initial indictment.

The protections of the Sixth Amendment are generically distinct from Due Process and double jeopardy, and differ from the statutory protections offered under the Speedy Trial Act; the protection therefore arises directly from the Sixth Amendment.

Eleventh Circuit: Finest Meridor v. Attorney General

Immigration Judge's finding as to likely future danger was a finding of fact that could only be reviewed for clear error; the agency erred by reversing de novo.

Subsequent statute holding that a certain agency is the only authority to issue a certain visa under that article operates as a context-specific enhancement to an earlier statute authorizing the issuance of the visa by other authorities.

Federal Circuit: PGS Physical v. Iancu

(Reminder: We don't know many things.  We especially don't know Patent.)

Agency decision presenting both non-instituted claims and rulings on instituted claims and grounds is sufficiently final for judicial review.

Erroneous non-institution is waiveable, and presents no sua sponte obligation in subsequent judicial review.

(Again, completely guessing here.)

Board decision on motivation to combine prior art was reasonable.

Federal Circuit: Martin v. O'Rourke

Although the All Writs Act isn't an independent basis for jurisdiction, Mandamus against unreasonable administrative delay validly runs from the Circuit Courts when necessary to protect their future jurisdiction.

Mandamus against delay by the Dept of Veterans Affairs should be governed not by a finding of the official's refusal to act, but by a common-law balancing test.

Concur: An over five-year appeals process, mostly composed of ministerial tasks and docketing, is excessive.  Mandamus is the only viable option.

Federal Circuit: Rose v. O'Rourke

(Complex) summary remand.

Havensight Capital LLC v. Nike Inc.

Appeal of Rule 11 sanctions and dismissal of amended complaint does not not incorporate appeal of post-judgment sanctions orders.

Pending post-judgment motion that can be construed as a challenge to the decision on the merits, when filed before entry of judgment, does not toll the time limit for appeals.

Numerous and voluminous motions justified Rule 11 sanctions.

Ninth Circuit: White v. Square, Inc.

Visiting a website with the intent to use its services and then declining to advance past a user agreement that incorporated an allegedly discriminatory bar on the use of its services constitutes a sufficiently concrete and particularized Article III injury.

Questions certified to California: whether a patron must use a business services to qualify for the statutory antidiscrimination provisions at issue, or if merely presenting themselves is sufficient.  Also -- what the internet correlative to this standard might be.

Ninth Circuit: Ellis v. Harrison

State court's holding that Habeas petitioner must establish prejudice from his counsel's racial animus by a preponderance was an unreasonable application of federal constitutional law.

To establish prejudice from counsel's racial animus, petitioner must establish either his or her knowledge of the animus at a critical phase of the proceedings, resulting in a communications breakdown, or another adverse effect of the animus.

Concurrence to per curiam: prejudice should be the presumption in strategic decisions once animus is established.

Eighth Circuit: Mahn v. Jefferson County

In First Amendment retaliation case, once the plaintiff produces substantive proof from which the finder of fact can infer that the protected conduct was a motivating factor, the full burden of proof to establish a nondiscriminatory motive for the action passes to the deft.

At summary judgment, this nondiscriminatory explanation must be indisputable.

Reinstatement is an equitable remedy permitted against a state official under Ex Parte Young.

Allegations against second official and municipality too speculative to present issue for trial.

Seventh Circuit: Carl Leo Davis v. US

The Supreme Court's holding that the residual clause of ACCA was unconstitutionally vague announced a substantive change in the law that applies to petitioners seeking collateral review of sentences imposed under a parallel provision of the mandatory sentencing guidelines, despite the Supreme Court's subsequent holding that the provision in the guidelines was constitutional, as the gudelines, in the interval, had become merely advisory.

This substantive shift in the law was a sharp reversal from precedent, legitimately causing the petitioners not to raise the issue on direct appeal.

A second substantive change in the law that removed an alternate basis for the sentence of one of the petitioners did not trigger a mandatory limitation period for filing the writ, as it would merely have shifted the ultimate basis for the sentence.

A plea deal carve out excepting any constitutionally impermissible factor incorporates any unconstitutional input present at sentencing.

Prior offenses should be considered categorically when deciding whether the conviction is a valid predicate.

(Important decision.  Again, all this is quick work.  Don't rely.)

Sixth Circuit: United States v. Oscar Robinson

Above (almost double) guidelines sentence based on factors possibly resulting from addiction and the specific harms posed by the substance possessed and dealt is not substantively unreasonable.

Pre-plea disclosure of criminal history did not unfairly prejudice things.

Fifth Circuit: Certain Undwr at Lloyds London v. Lowen Valley

As the insurer established a plausible theory of harm outside the claim, the insured was required to establish some reasonable basis of apportioning the damage; absent this proof, the insurer has no liability under state law.

Fifth Circuit: Albert Pierre, Sr. v. Darrel Vannoy, Warden

Amended opinion.

Fifth Circuit: Gorman v. Sharp

As the Fourth Amendment requires a willful violation, a training officer who forgets to swap his gun for a dummy gun and shoots the other fellow in the chest does not violate the Federal Constitution by restricting his freedom of movement.

Fifth Circuit: In re Rosendo Rodruiguez

Rule 11 show-cause ruling on untimely capital Habeas filing.

Petitioner should have rebutted affidavit timely offered by the state.  No sanctions.

Fourth Circuit: Jose Ramirez v. Jefferson Sessions III

Amended opinion.

Second Circuit: Seepersad v. Sessions

No equal protection violation in permitting aliens seeking readmission at the border to waive inadmissibility while requiring a showing of valid residency before granting a similar waiver to resident aliens, as Congress might have wished to encourage doubtful aliens to be elsewhere during the process.

Second Circuit: AEI Life v. Lincoln Benefit Life

A conformity statement in a contract, when captioned as a conformity clause and not naming a particular jurisdiction, does not sufficiently manifest the intention of the parties to be bound by the law of a particular jurisdiction to operate as a choice of law clause.

Under center of gravity analysis, New York law governs the transaction.

State public policy interests against wagering insurance contracts establish voidability, not ab initio nullity, and the risk can therefore be incorporated in the drafting.

Notary verification on the instrument of trust formation created a presumption of validity that was not overcome by a challenge by a handwriting expert.