Eighth Circuit: State of Nebraska v. EPA

Environment, Administrative

Agency's lack of deference to state findings on costs accrued by different methods of pollution abatement was per se not an abuse of discretion, given that the Act contemplates more than ministerial approval.

Federal agency's regional rule that incorporates a national standard is not barred from review as a national rule, since the agency has not found it to be a national rule.  The expertise involved mandates deference to the agency's findings, which are not an abuse of its discretion.


Eighth Circuit: Travis Chaney v. Carolyn W. Colvin


ALJ's less than fully credible conclusions are nonetheless supported by substantial evidence.


Eighth Circuit: Herman Hutton v. Danny Maynard, Sr.


Discriminatory language used by employer between an employee's promotion of a minority candidate and the subsequent dismissal of the employee is insufficient to prove direct causation, and where the language is not employment-related, it is insufficient to establish indirect causation.


Seventh Circuit: Garrett Fishwick v. City of Chicago


Claims of a lack of transparency in hiring insufficient to violate consent order barring political influence in hiring,also time-barred.

Res judicata bars claim previously dismissed in state court.

No evidence that gov't consented to claim splitting, as it asserted res judicata in all filings.


Seventh Circuit: Terry Deets v. Massman Construction Company

Employment, Discrimination

Statement by employer that percentage of minority employees was to low creates genuine issue of material fact as to whether the subsequent layoff of a worker who had recently lost seniority was discriminatory.

Mitigation as an affirmative defense for Title VII operates as a damages offset.

S1981 allows suits against corporate entities in joint venture, as it contemplates interference with contracts.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Lawrence McCarroll


Where a change in the sentencing law would not affect the guidelines calculation, a reduction of the term of imprisonment is not authorized by the statute, despite the fact that the lower point total might allow for more discretion at resentencing.


Seventh Circuit:Hans-Peter Baumeister v. Deutsche Lufthansa AG

International, Contracts

Foreign contract covering performance by a nonparty but assigning liability for complete nonperformance to the nonparty does not allow the party to the contract to be sued for breach in a US forum under a foreign statutory cause of action adopted by the contract.  (Airline code-sharing, EU legislation)

(In a different matter:)

Domestic contract where the foreign nonparty generally incorporates the foreign statutory cause of action in its agreements is not modified to include the cause of action under apparent authority when the nonparty is the visible agent in the fulfillment of the contract.


Fifth Circuit: USA v. Oscar Juarez


Where the court erroneously states at sentencing that there is no guidelines range, a sentence representing an upward departure is error - remanded.

Not harmless.


Fourth Circuit:James Hayes v. Delbert Services Corporation

Arbitration, Choice of Law, Tribe Law

Loan agreement arbitration clause electing the forum and law of the Sioux nation is invalid and unenforceable, as it operates as a waiver of all federal rights.

Not severable from arbitration provision.

No need to exhaust tribal remedies, as the controversy has nothing to do with the tribe.


Fourth Circuit: Frederick Aikens v. William Ingram, Jr.

Amended opinion.


Third Circuit: Jeffrey Wiest v. Tyco Electronics Corp

FRCP, Torts, Employment

12(b)6 ruling for plaintiff does not compel a finding at summary judgment under law of the case that there was sufficient nexus between the protected activity and the adverse action.

Insufficient nexus, nondiscriminatory motive.


Third Circuit: Moore & Co P A v. Majestic Blue Fisheries LLC


Amended disclosure bar is not jurisdictional - court properly considers under 12(b)6.

Documents acquired by FOIA can constitute a prior disclosure.

Realtors's information was independent of and materially added to the information already available by establishing the who, what, where, why and when.


Third Circuit: Syed Hassan v. City of New York

Amended opinion.


Second Circuit: Atlantica Holdings, Inc. v. Sovereign Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC

FISA, Securities

FISA provides a cause of action under commercial exception for extraterritorial misrepresentations where the losses were directly and (usually to some degree foreseeably) sustained within the USA.

Direct effects on nonparties would qualify.

Locus delicti is where the harm is sustained.

Court declines to exercise pendent jurisdiction over interlocutory appeal on personal jurisdiction.




(Which, again, is among the many areas of the law in which we are relatively clueless.)

Although there is a heavy presumption in favor of common meanings in patent language, a claimant utilizing another interpretation does not have to explicitly redefine the word or disavow the common meaning.

Term is specific, not general.

Academic paper by inventor describing an invention not in controversy cannot be used to determine construction of claim.

Dependent claims are presumed to be narrower than the independent claims from which they derive.


Eleventh Circuit: Brandon Jones v. Commissioner, GA DOC, et al. (2)

S1983, Due Process
Due process claim against state secrecy statute doesn't state a claim under S1983.

Eighth amendment claim not appealed, insufficient, as no better method has been established.

Insufficient injury for standing resulting from state secrecy statute.

Lateness of appeal argues against equities of stay.


[CB editorial: The death penalty is morally unjustifiable.]

Eleventh Circuit: Brandon Jones v. Commissioner, GA DOC, et al. (1)

Due Process

Concurrence in denial of en banc -  no Due Process right to discovery of method of manufacture of state execution materials, given state secrecy statute.


[CB editorial: The death penalty is morally unjustifiable.]



Statements not actionable, as they were sufficiently hedge, described present reality.

Sufficient falsity and scienter for material omission in "no serious doubts" statement on 10-q, as firm was on notice of largest borrower's difficulties.

Announcement of a subpoena amounted to corrective disclosure, given subsequent lack of market reaction to loan writeoffs.


Eighth Circuit: Ruben Alva-Arellano v. Loretta E. Lynch


No abuse of discretion in agency's declining to reopen case where IJ did not inform potential deportee about relief available by means of asylum and CAT, as the IJ had not duty to inform absent evidence of relevance, and the evidence was discoverable prior to the hearing.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Aaron Thompson


Statute of limitations bars claims related to prenatal treatment and birth, as both accrued on or around the time of birth.

No equitable tolling, as the federal status of the clinic was discoverable.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Titan International, Incorporated


Federal government can subpoena business records from a previous year that have already been the target of inspection in prior tax years, so long as  the second subpoena is not for the purposes of reopening the audit of the previous year's returns.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Aaron Thompson

Fourth Amendment

Surreptitious video recording made by invited guest in private apartment does not violate 4A, as the only things recorded were within the eyesight of an invited informant who would have been able to testify to them.


Sixth Circuit: Trumbull Cnty. Bd. of Comm'rs v. Village of Lordstown, Ohio

Municipality does not have Article III standing to challenge a second municipality's use of a very large pipe to build a second sewer nearby, since, although the large pipe might someday be used to offer a competing sewer option to a factory in the first municipality, there is insufficient showing that it would happen within the timeframe of the federal noncompete statute.

Dissent: Standing, since judicial resolution would provide present financial certainty. (But would deny on merits.)


Fifth Circuit: Rochelle Flynn v. Distinctive Home Care, Inc

ADA, Statutory construction

Although a statute incorporated an earlier statute's definition of employment relationships, it did not incorporate the prior statute's requirement that there must be an employment relationship for standing.  Independent contractors therefore potentially have a right of action under the second statute.

Circuit split flagged.


Fourth Circuit: Farhan Warfaa v. Yusuf Ali


ATS claim barred under the presumption against extraterritorial application, as it does not extensively and directly touch and concern the USA.

Foreign officials cannot claim sovereign immunity in TVPA actions alleging jus cogens violations.

Concur/Dissent: Deft is non-adventitiously a lawful permanent resident who earlier did military training in the USA, so ATS allows the claim.


Fourth Circuit: Frederick Aikens v. William Ingram, Jr.

Amended opinion.


Second Circuit: United States v. Vernace

RICO, Crim

Sufficient evidence for RICO predicate where a personal motive and the racketeering motive coexist.

Sufficient evidence for drugs conviction.

No plain error in use of post-hoc amendments to sentencing statute, given independent life sentence and minimal briefing on appeal.

No abuse of discretion in denial of new trial for witness' subsequent initial gambling, given extensive prior illegal activity.


First Circuit: Colon-Marrero v. Garcia-Velez

Elections, Puerto Rico, Statutory Construction

Congress did not intend that Puerto Rico be considered a "state" under voting law.

Dis-inclusion of Puerto Rico does not burden the voting right, and the principle survives rational basis.

Puerto Rico is considered a state under a second statute barring removal from voter rolls until after two missed elections.

Second statute creates a private right presumptively actionable under S1983.


First Circuit: Linton v. Saba

Habeas, Confrontation Clause

Habeas denied for substantial evidence.

Habeas denied for confrontation clause challenge where judge paraphrased test as whether the statement would be used, as opposed to being available for use.  Statement found to be not testimonial, since the victim was still upset from the incident and speaking to a family member.


First Circuit: Falto-de Roman v. Municipal Government


Trial court when denying qualified immunity must address all theories of the claim.


Eleventh Circuit: Ace Patterson v. Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections

Habeas, AEDPA

Partial vacatur of sentence without formal resentencing resets the AEDPA clock, and subsequent collateral attacks are therefore not second/successive.  Circuit split flagged relative to precedent.

Concurrence: Yep.

Dissent: Nope.


Seventh Circuit: Michael Belleau v. Edward Wall

Release conditions - electronic monitoring

No Fourth Amendment violation for warrantless perpetual electronic monitoring, given the incremental loss of privacy and substantial social benefits.

Electronic monitoring isn't Ex post facto, as it's not a punishment.

Concurrence in J: Reasonable special needs search, but if tech was more ubiquitous, possibly a different calculus.  Not punitive in purpose or effect.


Seventh Circuit: Stark Excavating, Incorporated v. Thomas Perez


Although the ALJ was uniquely qualified to make credibility determinations on willfulness,  the reviewing Commission's reversal was supported by substantial evidence, as the ALJ's finding was susceptible of multiple interpretations.


Fifth Circuit: Jay Barrash v. Amer Assn of Neurl Surgns Inc.


Although the professional association did not provide the member under censure with sufficient due process under the rules of the organization, there was no inherent due process violation, as the member had sufficient advance notice of the materials in dispute.

As the association could have revoked the censure in full after the partial judicial rescission, there is no due process violation in the partial judicial rescission of the censure.

Under state law- judicial non-intervention bars relief for palintiff under contract theory in an alleged violation of bylaws.


Second Circuit: United States v. Pruitt


No plain error in within-guidelines sentence issued without explanation, as the sentencing judge adopted the findings of the PSR, which contains the justifications for the sentence.

Checkbox on sentencing form imposing a within-guidelines sentence risks legal error.  Explicit request to Congress that it amend it.


Second Circuit: Victory v. Pataki et al.

S1983 Due Process - Parole

Prison inmate with a parole release date has a cognizable liberty interest.

As challenge to tribunal's decision was only possible by contradicting prior unsworn testimony of its members, there was no impartial decisionmaker at the point of parole rescission.

Absolute immunity for quasijudicial officers of parole board does not extend to fabrication of evidence before the initiation of proceedings.

Genuine issues of material fact on merits - remand.




Claim construction drawn from patent prosecution history and given as part of jury charge was not a clear and unambiguous disavowal of claim scope.

Or something like that.




Correct construction of "collection" as place where things accumulate, no literal or equivalent infringement.

Decision not rewritten to match law.

[Again, we don't know many things, but we especially don't know Patent.]


DC Circuit: Rosalie Simon v. Republic of Hungary

International law


WWII treaty not a categorical bar to claims against Hungarian government, railroad under FSIA, as the treaty does not claim to be an exlusive remedy -- the Allied nations could not waive the rights of non-nationals.

Takings of property incident to the deportations are themselves genocide, and state a claim within the expropriation exception to the FSIA.

Plausible inference of commercial activity, as the funds were later commingled, but insufficient proof in pleadings of US nexus for Hungarian government activities.

Genocidal takings have no internal exhaustion requirements, as insufficient compensation is not the underlying harm.

Comity an open question.

Justiciable Article III claims. (Citing Zivitofsky)

Concurrence: Hungary's implementation of treaty insufficient to bar FSIA claim.


DC Circuit: In re: Idaho Conservation League, et al.

Administrative, environment

Plaintiff has standing, as he lives near a mine, and regulations would incentivize reduced emissions and mean quicker cleanups.

Other plaintiffs have standing due to living near rivers.

Putative intervenors do no have Article III standing, as the order merely sets a date for rulemaking, and there is no showing that notice and comment would be insufficient.  No statutory standing, as there's no impairment of interests.

Putative intervenors' arguments construed as amici, rejected.


Order here:



Amended opinion, denial of en banc.



Habeas, Ineffective Assistance

Habeas for ineffective assistance based on defense counsel's acceptance of late-night, telephoned denial of permission for medical study, information that later proved to be incorrect.  State habeas finding of lack of prejudice objectively unreasonable given centrality of issue.


Eighth Circuit: James Saylor v. Randy Kohl, M.D

S1983, Prisons

Qualified immunity for physicians treating inmate with PTSD, given lack of deliberate indifference.

No 1A, 14A retaliation claims based on ending of medication and transfer, as there were legitimate nondiscriminatory reasons for both.

Dissent: Genuine dispute.


Eighth Circuit: Sriram Rajasekaran v. Mark Hazuda

Administrative, Immigration

No subject matter jurisdiction over challenge to the level of detail in the agency's notice, as it is fundamentally a statutory procedural rule designed to instruct the agency.

Petitioner  not eligible for portability.


Eighth Circuit: Theodore Ingram v. Terminal Railroad Association


Where additional evidence is admitted during the proceedings, a court can retain the abuse of discretion standard by making its decision from the administrative record.

Administrator's characterization of relocation expenses was reasonable.

District court did not abuse discretion in finding that Administrator's offset of prior plan's benefits for  full vesting -as opposed to the actual early retirement payments - was reasonable.


Eighth Circuit: Jose Refugio Gomez-Gutierrez v. Loretta E. Lynch


State solicitation of prostitution statute categorically a crime of moral turpitude.

Sufficient consideration by board.


Eighth Circuit: United States v. Brandon Lovell


Above-guidelines sentence not substantively unreasonable when additional counts were dismissed as part of the deal.


Sixth Circuit: USA v. Shawn Bivens


No error in court's not grouping multiple crimes based on an ongoing relationship.


Sixth Circuit: Ronald Miller v. Comm'r of Social Security


Insufficient evidence for ALJ finding, given medical facts in evidence.


Fourth Circuit: Frederick Aikens v. William Ingram, Jr

S1983, Military

S1983 Fourth Amendment claim for monitoring national guardsman's email barred by military abstention, as the harm was incident to military service.


Fourth Circuit: United States ex rel. Steven May v. Purdue Pharma


FCA claim prevented by prior claim bar where counsel for qui tam plaintiff had knowledge of prior claims.


Fourth Circuit: Central Radio Company Inc. v. City of Norfolk

First Amendment

Municipal sign ordinance was a content-based restriction on speech as it targeted commercial speech.

Aesthetics and traffic safety considerations don't satisfy strict scrutiny.

Insufficient bad intent for selective enforcement claim.

(Appendix: Sign was a protest against pending eminent domain action.)


Second Circuit: United States v. Allen

Fourth Amendment

Absent exigent circumstance, a warrantless arrest made across the threshold - where the police are outside and arrestee inside after being summoned to the door by the police - violates the Fourth Amendment.

Compelled by earlier circuit precedent.


Second Circuit: United States v. Liddon Young


No error in denial of downward departure.

Sentencing court erred in double counting trafficking and subsequent-use-in-felony enhancements, as there was insufficient connection between the trafficking and the eventual offense.  Expressio unius.

Error in Obstruction enhancement, as specific intent is necessary for unsworn out of court statements.


Eleventh Circuit: Brandon Jones v. GDCP Warden

AEDPA, Habeas

Petition for recall of madate resulting from earlier Habeas is a second/successive petition.

No merit in stay pending upcoming en banc holding on whether summary/brief affirmance by highest state court is the final state decision for purposes of federal habeas review, as it would not alter the merits of the underlying Strickland claim.

Insufficient miscarriage of justice to justify recall of mandate sua sponte.


[CB Editorial: The death penalty is morally unjustifiable.]

Ninth Circuit: David Zachary v. California Bank and Trust


Petitioner can cram down plans over the objection of a dissenting class of unsecured creditors while retaining post-petition property but not while retaining pre-petition property .

(From summary)


Eighth Circuit: United States v. Quincy Jackson


Agency Violence Against Women Act finding that underlying marriage was bona fide did not compel the IJ to accept that finding when balancing deportation arguments (including VAWA) when the IJ had already issued an opinion that the marriage was fraudulent.


Eighth Circuit: Judith Mutie-Timothy v. Loretta E. Lynch

Fourth Amendment

Probable cause for search of aircraft after drug dog alert.


Seventh Circuit: Charles Donelson v. Randy Pfister

Administrative, Habeas

State denial of claim that witnesses were not provided during prison disciplinary proceeding due to the fact that a form was copied and sent intact as opposed to detached from the receipt portion was not an adequate and independent state ground for denial.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Terry Smith


Substantial evidence supporting conviction.

Below-guidelines sentence vacated for insufficient explanation of reason for downward departure & conditions on supervised release.


Seventh Circuit: USA v. Ambrose Clayton


Court did not need to consider deft's postconviction conduct at denial of resentencing, as deft did not raise postconviction behavior at sentencing, and there is no guarantee of effective counsel at that stage of appeal.


Seventh Circuit: Hedeen International, LLC v. Zing Toys, Inc.


21 Day limit for challenging personal jurisdiction isn't jurisdictional limit on subsequent motions.


Sixth Circuit: David Eaton v. Lexington-Fayette Urban County

S1983, FRCP

Summary judgment upheld against S1983 challenge to effectiveness of municipality's drug testing program.


Fifth Circuit: Marilyn Garner v. Knoll, Incorporated

Bankruptcy, UCC

Although the first claim on the funds transferred into the deposit account survived any secured interest against the acount, a subsequent commingling created a burden on the Trustee to establish that the funds remained identifiable.


Fifth Circuit: USA v. Roberth Rojas, et al


Drug statute constitutional, extraterritorial application valid, extraterritorial application did not violate due process.

Venue was proper in the first judicial district that the defts entered.  (Not Cuba.)

Insufficient connection between defts and US at time of foreign wiretap to invoke Fourth Amendment.

Many other challenges, including conspiracy exit instruction, variance from indictment.


Fourth Circuit: US v. David Williams, III


No procedural error in sentencing colloquy.

Sentences imposed as a result of plea agreements based on a specific rule of procedure are not appealable on grounds of substantive unreasonableness unless they expressly incorporate an element of the Guidelines.  Circuit split flagged.


Third Circuit: In re: Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam


Action seeking Mandamus for judicial disqualification in patent action transferred to the Federal Circuit, as it would have jurisdiction over the final order in the action.


Second Circuit: Lynch v. Ackley

First Amendment, S 1983

Qualified immunity for deft in police labor dispute, as:

Telling reporters to investigate the officer's civil rights complaints was an exercise of speech rights.

Unclear as to whether filing union grievance is a matter of public concern.

No showing of sufficient nexus on free association retaliation.


Second Circuit: Zurich Am. Ins. Co. v. Team Tankers A.S.

Arbitration, fees

Arbitration did not disregard law.

Although arbitrator's nondisclosure if illness violated the rules of the arbitration, insufficient for vacatur.

Fee-shifting to prevailing party vacated, as consent to arbitration implies consent to challenge in court of competent jurisdiction and if it doesn't, it's unenforcable.


Second Circuit: Credit Suisse Secs. LLC v. Tracy, et al.

FINRA, Arbitration

FINRA arbitration code does not bar voluntary pre-dispute waiver of FINRA arbitral forum.


First Circuit: Sena Silva v. Lynch


No denial of Due Process when IJ denied continuance in present action to allow a challenge to an earlier action based on insufficiency of counsel.


First Circuit: US v. Peter, Jr.


Counsel's recitation of cooperation at sentencing establishes that judge considered it absent prosecution motion.

Insufficient proof for minor participant reduction.

Judge does not have to itemize mitigating factors at sentencing.

Substantively reasonable.

(Bit of an odd tone to this one.  CB)


First Circuit: Barbosa v. Mitchell


Habeas denied for Confrontation Clause challenge to the admission of expert testimony that incorporated research not subject to challenge.

Court declines to assess procedural default against petitioner for lack of contemporaneous objection that resulted in review standard of miscarriage of justice.

Admission of underlying research results themselves ruled harmless error, as the expert testimony referencing it was introduced.


Eleventh Circuit: Johnny Overstreet, Jr. v. Warden

Ineffective assistance

Habeas for ineffective assistance on direct appeal that characterized an issue certain to require reversal as a substantial evidence challenge.


Ninth Circuit: Randolph Wolfson v. Colleen Concannon

Elections, First Amendment, En banc

Strict scrutiny for judicial speech restrictions.

Compelling state interest in personal solicitations regulations for judges.

Recusal doesn't solve perception problems.

Everything upheld under strict scrutiny.

Concurrence - justifiable distinctions between sitting and nonsitting judges.


Ninth Circuit: Presidio Historical Assn v. Presidio Trust

Administrative, Deference

Agency's interpretation of ambiguous statute requiring equivalent rebuilding as "one up, one down" anywhere on the site is unreasonable.

Current plans for building, however, are congruent with statute.

Statute requiring agency consideration does not impose a substantive change in scrutiny on judicial review -- it merely requires that the agency demonstrate that it considered alternatives.


Ninth Circuit: USA v. Raul Cruz-Mendez


Pilot/captain enhancement upheld against fellow at tiller of small open craft.

Sentence generally not unreasonable.


Ninth Circuit: Dale Bozzio v. EMI Group, LTD.

FRCP, Contracts, Corporations

Under state law, third party beneficiary might be able to state a claim for breach where the promisee is an interposed suspended corporation and the beneficiary has relinquished individual right of action against the counterparty.

Error to dismiss with prejudice, as legal uncertainty might have made amendment of claim worthwhile.


Ninth Circuit: Vietnam Veterans of America v. CIA



Eighth Circuit: United States v. Brent Englehart

Fourth Amendment

When a police officer has a conversation that is at least partially consensual with a person asked to sit in the patrol car while a traffic citation is being written, if the person admits possession of contraband in he first three minutes after the ticket is written, the intrusion is de minimis.


Seventh Circuit: Window World of Chicagoland v. Window World, Inc.


Where issues raised in a subsequent suit are compulsory counterclaims in a prior suit resulting in a default judgment, and the earlier decision is temporarily vacated for excusable neglect and then reinstated, claim preclusion bars the claims in the subsequent suit when the subsequent suit is administratively joined to the prior action and law of the case bars the claim if the caption numbers are joined.


Seventh Circuit: Ratna Bagwe v. Sedgwick Claims Management Service

Employment, discrimination

Where rebuttal of nondiscriminatory motive includes both direct and indirect methods of proof, appellate review analyses both separately.

No direct evidence, insufficient comparators.

Small pay decision is timely, can be considered separately.

Employer response on compensation that only discussed raises suffices to challenge broad compensation argument.

Insufficient proof of retaliation.


Seventh Circuit: Estate of Harold Stuller v. USA

FRE, Tax

Barring of horse breeder's testimony under Daubert upheld, as offered to prove that the farm was intended to be run successfully, and the breeder had no knowledge of farm financing.

Poor record-keeping, extensive losses, and tax benefits accrued in horse breeding operation run by Steak & Shake franchisees sufficient for finding that the operation was not run for a profit.

Insufficient nexus of cause and timing to justify finding of untimely tax return.

Denial of corporate deduction for S corporation does not justify amendment of personal return to remove income.  Or something like that.

Equitable adjustment claim forfeited.


Sixth Circuit: Village Green I, GP v. Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assoc.


Bankruptcy plan is not proposed in good faith when it impairs a minor class of creditors consisting of its former legal representation by delaying payment two weeks when there is evidence of present means that make the minor debt insignificant.


Fifth Circuit: Ambrea Fairchild v. All Amer Check Cashing, Inc.

Employment, FRE

FLSA requires actual knowledge by the employer that the emplyee is working overtime - possible discovery in computer usage records is insufficient to impute.

No abuse of discretion in barring party-opponent hearsay exception for non-workplace statement by supervisor not directly involved in the case's statement of improper reason for dismissal.

Sufficient showing of non-pretextual nondiscriminatory reason for action.


Fourth Circuit: James Angell v. Stubbs & Perdue, P.A.

Bankruptcy, Retroactive application

As Bankruptcy petition changed from reorganization to liquidation subsequent to the change in the statute regulating  subordination of secured debts in liquidation proceedings, administrative expenses incurred in reorganization phase cannot gain priority through the equitable subordination of secured debts.


Second Circuit: Friends of Animals v. Clay et al.

Administrative, environment

Statute's requirement of a specific permit for the taking of a member of a protected species is satisfied by specificity in the situation, not necessarily specificity in the species.

Employees of a multijurisdictional authority would be protected by the justification of necessity when taking animals outside the statute in order to prevent death or serious bodily harm.

Facepalm pun at peroration.


Eleventh Circuit: James Edward Hoefling, Jr. v. City of Miami, et al.


No heightened pleading for FRCP - Iqbal/Twombly prevails.

Plaintiff's attachment of police reports to complaint does not bar plaintiff from challenging substance of the reports.

Second amendement to claim for for purpose of challenging substance of previously attached reports not barred by judicial estoppel.

A S1983 municipal liability suit states a claim despite not identifying the policymaker that adopted the unconstitutional policy.

Unlawful seizure of houseboat is fourth amendment claim, not a due process claim.


Ninth Circuit: Allen Davis v. USA


Closing agreements sound in contract, and therefore do not bar subsequent assessments to the contrary, as the tax authority is a direct exercise of statutory authority.  The disparity provides a basis for challenge according to the usual means.

All members of a partnership are not parties to a settlement agreement with the Tax Partner of a partnership, so the relevant statute of limitations runs from the entry of stipulated judgment.


Fifth Circuit: USA v. Michael Gluk, et al

Securities, FRE

Error to exclude SEC report exonerating defts, as it is an administrative report made with expertise -- would not inappropriately sway jury on issues of disputed fact.

Introduction of uncharged bad behaviour incidental to the fraud should have been more carefully policed at trial.


Second Circuit: Main Street Legal Services v. National Security Council


The NSA is not an agency subject to FOIA.

The sole statutory function of the agency is to advise the President.

Precedent suggesting that it is an agency subject to FOIA derives from the time when it ran the CIA.

No additional APA jurisdiction from staff structure, Presidential directives, prior rulemmakings, etc.

Dismissal on merits proper, because the FOIA requirements are not jurisdictional but instead speak to the remedies available to the court.

Discovery properly denied, as there was no showing of eventual remedy.

"X-Files" Bonus: No caption on the Circuits's web page - just linked from a hyphen in the upper-left.


First Circuit: Reyes-Orta v. Highway and Transportation

Free Speech, employment

Letter by co-worker sufficient proof that employer was aware of political affiliation.

Genuine issue of material fact as to whether adverse employment actions created a cause of action.

Bona fide reason for ending of employment does not mean that there is no issue of material fact as to whether the ending of employment would have happened but for the political speech.


First Circuit: Rivera-Carrasquillo v. Calderon-Lozano

Statute of Limitations

Remanded for explanation of whether SOL defense was disallowed as sanction or denied on merits and specific findings on liability.


Eleventh Circuit: Murray Energy Corporation, et al. v. Secretary of Labor, et al.

Employment, safety

Agency rulemaking on mine dust upheld.

Earlier action in concert with another agency did not mandate a joint revision of the standard, as the joint action was an interim step based on another statutory provision.  Stare decisis based on prior Article III review as well.

Substantively, the regulation is not an abuse of discretion.


Eighth Circuit: James Clifford Slick Basham v. United States

Habeas, Fourth Amendment, (Plea process)

Allegedly favorable plea deal is not a bar to finding prejudice under Strickland in later collateral challenge.

No ineffective assistance Habeas for not challenging the cell phone search two years before Riley.


Seventh Circuit: Cesar Flores-Ramirez v. Brian Foster


Habeas based on a de-certified court translator barred, as the claim was available at the time of first Habeas petition.

Habeas claim alleging insufficient process during initial collateral proceedings barred, as it does not allege a freestanding redressible constitutional harm in the first proceedings.


Sixth Circuit: USA v. Arnaldo Cabrera


Twofold plain error in judges' imposition of maximum guidelines sentence due to deft's (1) not taking the stand to support his (2) theory of evidence manipulation.


Sixth Circuit: Jason Blesedell v. Chillicothe Telephone Company

Labor, defamation

No arbitrary breach of the duty of fair representation by the union, as the lack of advocacy stemmed from union's considered adverse decisions on credibility.

No actual malice in statements about plaintiff, as conclusions were reasonable from facts.


Fifth Circuit: Sanderson Farms, Incorporated v. OSHC

Administrative / OSHA

Presumption of hazard properly attaches in initial safety proceedings, as de minimis risk is an affirmative defense later on.

Substantial evidence for agency's abattoir citations.

Agency considered violation of a key projecting at the end of a shaft as being that of a projected shaft.  The correct regulation is that regulating keys.


Second Circuit: Glatt et al. v. Fox Searchlight Pictures, Inc. et al.

Employment / Unpaid interns

No Skidmore deference to DOL definition of an employee.

Internships distinguished from employment by identifying the primary beneficiary of the relationship.

This standard bars the formation of the class due to predominance concerns.

Bonus: cameo by prominent Hollywood pillow.
