First Circuit: Boudreau v. Lussier

Expert testimony is required to establish that time-stamped screenshots taken of employees computer are, for purposes of the statute, contemporaneous intercepts of electronic communications.

Impoundment and subsequent inventory search of arrestee's vehicle from employer's private lot were justified under the community caretaker exception; even if the motive was investigatory, subjective intent is irrelevant, and the towing was objectively justified.

Employer defts would be protected by qualified immunity for consenting to search of employees computer where their authority to do so was not plain.

End of day

Much law to the west (and southeast), viz:


Third Circuit: Newark Cab Association v. City of Newark

The owner of a taxi licence has a Constitutional property interest in the licence, but not necessarily in its economic value. 

Sufficient rational basis for treating street-hail cabs differently than app-based services. 

City's licensing scheme does not use language that plainly expresses the intention to create a contractual obligation, and is not definite enough to bind by estoppel,.

Third Circuit: In re: Arctic Glacier International

Shareholders who acquired shares post-bankruptcy-confirmation are transferees who step into the shoes of the previous owners, and their post-confirmation claims based on FINRA and tort are therefore barred by the bankruptcy's release of claims.

Second Circuit: United States v. Lloyd

Although the court erred in not reciting the elements of the crime during the plea colloquy, there is insufficient proof on appeal that the deft would have otherwise rejected the plea. 

Ample grounds in the facts stipulated and the PSR for the court to be satisfied that the plea was legitimate.

Ineffective assistance claim reserved for collateral challenge to allow for development of the record.

Second Circuit: Paysys Int’l, Inc. v. Atos IT Servs. Ltd.

Granting of motion to dismiss with prejudice is appealable as a final order, regardless of whether a final decision has been entered.

A party moving to dismiss its own complaint with prejudice after the filing of the first responsive pleading is entitled to withdraw the motion and proceed to litigate the merits when the movant believes that the more than de minimis conditions for dismissal ordered by the court are excessive.

First Circuit: Mondol v. Somerville, MA

Meetings between the principals after the events of the case do not in themselves present an issue of possible cover-up for trial; communications before the events of the case do not in themselves present an issue of conspiracy for trial, as the wrong was likely not planned in advance.

Judges shouldn't be asked to hunt for truffles.

First Circuit: Lemus v. Sessions


First Circuit: US v. Madera-Rivera


First Circuit: Soto-Cintron v. US

As the arresting officers' mistake was reasonable, given the message received on the radio, it would not have been actionable in a suit against the government -- as it was not actionable in that context, there is no private wrong to sound in tort.

First Circuit: Newman v. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

When the complaint affirmatively states a filing date for an administrative proceeding that would be past the statutory cutoff, but then is subsequently amended to obscure that filing date, the court does not engage in impermissible fact-finding  in examining the administrative complaint to determine if it was timely, since the administrative complaint serves as the factual basis for the present action.

First Circuit: US v. Villodas-Rosario

Consideration of whether enforcing an appellate waiver in a plea deal would be a miscarriage of justice refers to the harm alleged in the appeal, not whether the mechanics of the plea deal itself work a miscarriage of justice.

Cases not appearing in this film

End of day.  More cases here:

Eighth Circuit: Zach Hillesheim v. Holiday Stationstores, Inc.

Claim that placement of refuse can blocked entry to the store disabled persons' access to the store alleges a sufficiently concrete and particular injury for standing.

Eighth Circuit: Samuel Scudder v. Dolgencorp

Genuine issue for trial presented as to disputed resignation where (1) management construed the conversation as a resignation, and employee later disputes; (2) returning military employee filed application through main system rather than the personnel agent who had handled his earlier military leave.

As SSA doesn't consider reasonable accommodation, a claim of disability doesn't judicially estop the plaintiff from claiming a right to employment during the same period.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Deborah Brabant-Scribner

As the regulation requires the IRS to consider alternatives for collection and not alternatives to collection,   agency need not have resolved a compromise offer before an Article III court can permit the sale of the primary residence.

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Michael John Walker

Sentencing bump for possession of a weapon in support of the crime inappropriate where the weapon was locked in the trunk and the crime was use or possession of a user's amount of drugs.

Seventh Circuit: Marcus Muhammad v. Del Pearson

Where contemporaneous documents establish that the warrant was vague due to clerical error, and that the vagueness was resolved by actual knowledge of the officers, the question can be resolved as a matter of law.

Arguable probable cause for arrest.

Seventh Circuit: Volney McGhee v. Cameron Watson

Where ineffective assistance at trial isn't used to establish ineffective assistance on direct review, state habeas petition for ineffective assistance on direct review does not exhaust the ineffective assistance at trial for subsequent federal habeas review.

Seventh Circuit: USA v. David Watson

Phone tip that children were playing with guns had insufficient indicia of criminality to justify blocking in of vehicle and subsequent searches.