Fourth Circuit: United States ex rel. Steven May v. Purdue Pharma


FCA claim prevented by prior claim bar where counsel for qui tam plaintiff had knowledge of prior claims.

Fourth Circuit: Central Radio Company Inc. v. City of Norfolk

First Amendment

Municipal sign ordinance was a content-based restriction on speech as it targeted commercial speech.

Aesthetics and traffic safety considerations don't satisfy strict scrutiny.

Insufficient bad intent for selective enforcement claim.

(Appendix: Sign was a protest against pending eminent domain action.)

Second Circuit: United States v. Allen

Fourth Amendment

Absent exigent circumstance, a warrantless arrest made across the threshold - where the police are outside and arrestee inside after being summoned to the door by the police - violates the Fourth Amendment.

Compelled by earlier circuit precedent.

Second Circuit: United States v. Liddon Young


No error in denial of downward departure.

Sentencing court erred in double counting trafficking and subsequent-use-in-felony enhancements, as there was insufficient connection between the trafficking and the eventual offense.  Expressio unius.

Error in Obstruction enhancement, as specific intent is necessary for unsworn out of court statements.

Eleventh Circuit: Brandon Jones v. GDCP Warden

AEDPA, Habeas

Petition for recall of madate resulting from earlier Habeas is a second/successive petition.

No merit in stay pending upcoming en banc holding on whether summary/brief affirmance by highest state court is the final state decision for purposes of federal habeas review, as it would not alter the merits of the underlying Strickland claim.

Insufficient miscarriage of justice to justify recall of mandate sua sponte.

[CB Editorial: The death penalty is morally unjustifiable.]

Ninth Circuit: David Zachary v. California Bank and Trust


Petitioner can cram down plans over the objection of a dissenting class of unsecured creditors while retaining post-petition property but not while retaining pre-petition property .

(From summary)

Eighth Circuit: United States v. Quincy Jackson


Agency Violence Against Women Act finding that underlying marriage was bona fide did not compel the IJ to accept that finding when balancing deportation arguments (including VAWA) when the IJ had already issued an opinion that the marriage was fraudulent.

Eighth Circuit: Judith Mutie-Timothy v. Loretta E. Lynch

Fourth Amendment

Probable cause for search of aircraft after drug dog alert.

Seventh Circuit: Charles Donelson v. Randy Pfister

Administrative, Habeas

State denial of claim that witnesses were not provided during prison disciplinary proceeding due to the fact that a form was copied and sent intact as opposed to detached from the receipt portion was not an adequate and independent state ground for denial.

Seventh Circuit: USA v. Terry Smith


Substantial evidence supporting conviction.

Below-guidelines sentence vacated for insufficient explanation of reason for downward departure & conditions on supervised release.

Seventh Circuit: USA v. Ambrose Clayton


Court did not need to consider deft's postconviction conduct at denial of resentencing, as deft did not raise postconviction behavior at sentencing, and there is no guarantee of effective counsel at that stage of appeal.

Seventh Circuit: Hedeen International, LLC v. Zing Toys, Inc.


21 Day limit for challenging personal jurisdiction isn't jurisdictional limit on subsequent motions.

Sixth Circuit: David Eaton v. Lexington-Fayette Urban County

S1983, FRCP

Summary judgment upheld against S1983 challenge to effectiveness of municipality's drug testing program.

Fifth Circuit: Marilyn Garner v. Knoll, Incorporated

Bankruptcy, UCC

Although the first claim on the funds transferred into the deposit account survived any secured interest against the acount, a subsequent commingling created a burden on the Trustee to establish that the funds remained identifiable.

Fifth Circuit: USA v. Roberth Rojas, et al


Drug statute constitutional, extraterritorial application valid, extraterritorial application did not violate due process.

Venue was proper in the first judicial district that the defts entered.  (Not Cuba.)

Insufficient connection between defts and US at time of foreign wiretap to invoke Fourth Amendment.

Many other challenges, including conspiracy exit instruction, variance from indictment.

Fourth Circuit: US v. David Williams, III


No procedural error in sentencing colloquy.

Sentences imposed as a result of plea agreements based on a specific rule of procedure are not appealable on grounds of substantive unreasonableness unless they expressly incorporate an element of the Guidelines.  Circuit split flagged.

Third Circuit: In re: Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam


Action seeking Mandamus for judicial disqualification in patent action transferred to the Federal Circuit, as it would have jurisdiction over the final order in the action.

Second Circuit: Lynch v. Ackley

First Amendment, S 1983

Qualified immunity for deft in police labor dispute, as:

Telling reporters to investigate the officer's civil rights complaints was an exercise of speech rights.

Unclear as to whether filing union grievance is a matter of public concern.

No showing of sufficient nexus on free association retaliation.

Second Circuit: Zurich Am. Ins. Co. v. Team Tankers A.S.

Arbitration, fees

Arbitration did not disregard law.

Although arbitrator's nondisclosure if illness violated the rules of the arbitration, insufficient for vacatur.

Fee-shifting to prevailing party vacated, as consent to arbitration implies consent to challenge in court of competent jurisdiction and if it doesn't, it's unenforcable.

Second Circuit: Credit Suisse Secs. LLC v. Tracy, et al.

FINRA, Arbitration

FINRA arbitration code does not bar voluntary pre-dispute waiver of FINRA arbitral forum.