Showing posts with label Preemption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preemption. Show all posts

Eighth Circuit: Guardian Flight LLC v. Jon Godfread


The airline deregulation act preempts the state's restriction on air-ambulance billing, and the law is not saved under the insurance statute, as it does not have the effect of assigning or transferring risk, and the air ambulance subscription plan does not guarantee treatment or act as an intermediary.

Guardian Flight LLC  v.  Jon Godfread

Third Circuit: Terry Klotz v. Celentano Stadtmauer and Wale


Federal equal credit law's prohibition on discrimination according to marital status  doesn't preempt the state's common law doctrine of necessities, which holds a medical bill to be valid against a spouse; the medical debt is an incidental credit, distant from the traditional credit-provision intent of the law.

Spouse's action against the medical entity for not fulfilling the common law requirement of demand doesn't state a claim, even in the absence of the facility's having made a demand on the estate of the patient, since public records indicate the lack of an estate.

Court did not abuse discretion in denying leave to amend, since there was no showing of claims falling outside the entitlement under the doctrine of necessities.

Terry Klotz v. Celentano Stadtmauer and Wale

Third Circuit: Dansko Holdings Inc v. Benefit Trust Co


Employer's contract claim against potential trustee of employee stock benefit plan is remote from the usual ERISA concerns, and therefore not preempted by the statute.

Implied spoken promise subsequent to execution of written contract can be the basis for a promissory estoppel claim.

Integration clause refers only to the time of formation -- when subsequent parties to the contract were substituted in, the integration clause still looked back to the time of initial formation.

A lie about a side issue in the course of a contractual breach is separately actionable as fraud where the lie implicates a broader social duty owed to all individuals.

By conceding valid substitution into the contract for the purposes of the breach claim, the plaintiff is estopped from arguing that the indemnification agreement compelling the payment of legal fees doesn't apply to the defendant.  Plain meaning of indemnify encompasses first party claims.  Under state law, it wouldn't be specific enough to cover any damages award.

Dansko Holdings Inc v. Benefit Trust Co

Second Circuit: James Domen v. Vimeo, Inc.


Since the video streaming service's removal of the Plaintiff's account was a good faith effort to enforce an internal policy that was aimed at removing objectionable content, the federal statutory safe-harbor applies, preempting state antidiscrimination laws and state public forum content-neutrality laws.

James Domen v. Vimeo, Inc

Fifth Circuit: Aldridge, et al v. MS Dept of Corrections, et al


Given the savings clause, the federal statute doesn't create field preemption.

Although employees can seek relief under state or federal statutes, the federal statute preempts any state tort claims within its scope.

Aldridge, et al v. MS Dept of Corrections, et al.

Second Circuit: UnitedHealthcare of New York, v. Lacewell

As the scheme of regulation at issue had many remedies to ensure state compliance, federal courts had jurisdiction to equitably enjoin the prospective enforcement of state agency determinations; the court therefore had subject matter jurisdiction over the claim.

As evinced by the direct and positive effect on the federal regulatory scheme, state risk allocation determinations are subject to conflict preemption by the federal statute; informal consultations with the agency were not sufficiently final to signal agency approval, and the agency's appellate-stage amicus asserting preemption is accorded Auer deference.

Seventh Circuit: Electric Power Supply Associat v. Anthony Star

State nuclear power subsidy mechanism that requires emitting producers to purchase credits from nuclear producers at a price set by the market with a safety valve provision directly tied to the federal utility power auction mechanism is not preempted by the federal stature setting up the auction, since the state scheme doesn't price participants and non-participants in the federal auctions differently, and states have a right to regulate the utilities within their borders.

Seventh Circuit: International Assoc. of Machin v. Ray Allen

Given controlling precedent of summary affirmation in an earlier case by the U.S. Supreme Court, state law requiring employers to process labor union dues check-off cancellation requests within 30 days is preempted as regulation of private conduct within the scope of labor-management relations and the Taft-Hartley Act.

Ninth Circuit Bohmker v. State of Oregon

As state law banning motorized mining in certain areas has a clear purpose, is closely tailored, does not choose land use, and is not integrated within land use scheme, it is not field (pun?)  or conflict preempted by federal mining and and use law.

Dissent: It restricts use of land.

Eighth Circuit: Charter Advanced Services v. Nancy Lange

Voice-IP system is properly considered an information service, as the data is transformed to the traditional telephony format before entering the network.  State regulation therefore preempted by the field of federal law.

Dissent: There is no noticeable transformation between end users, some networks use voice-IP internally, transforming to traditional format before routing to user.

Eighth Circuit: Qwest Corporation v. City of Des Moines, Iowa

Locality's regulation of telecommunication carriers' cable rights of way is not preempted by the federal statute, since the local regulation does not bar any market participants from the local market.

Locality's fees are permitted under state law where they are actually incurred by the carrier's actions and a reasonable regulation of the market.

DC Circuit: Alan Philipp v. Federal Republic of Germany

Intrastate expropriation of art rises to the level of genocidal act where the taking is in furtherance of a plan to deny a people sufficient resources to survive as a people, including wealth and articles of commerce; under the FSIA, the obligation to prove the contrary is with the state.

Insufficient nexus for the state defendant.

There is no statutory exhaustion requirement for expropriation in the FSIA; questions of international comity are best addressed by Congress.

As there is no direct conflict between the aims of state tort actions and the FSIA, the former are not preempted.


Eleventh Circuit: William B. Newton, et al v. Duke Energy Florida, LLC, et al

Domestic customers of a utility in a regulated monopoly are outside the zone of interests of the Dormant Commerce Clause where the local utility is not subject to competition with out-of-state utilities.

State laws promoting the construction of nuclear power plants are not preempted by federal legislation.

While request for leave to amend in response brief was permissible, the description of the amendment wasn't sufficient to allow the court to consider the motion.

Ninth Circuit: Chuck Close v. Southeby's Inc.

Express preemption provision in the 1976 Act, together with the provisions on distributions and first sale, preempt state law requiring royalties to the original artist on subsequent sales.  Statements of subsequent Congress as to the preemption implied by VARA  can't be imputed to the earlier law.  Earlier precedent establishing that the 1909 Act did not preempt these claims incorporated common-law notions of distribution and first sale, and is therefore still viable for those claims.

Substantive Due Process undercuts Takings argument, but ultimately a question for remand.

Sixth Circuit: Rita McDaniel v. Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc.

Where the claim arises from a state product liability statute that looks to the federal guidelines as to the level of medical warnings to be provided, a claim under the tort based on the omission of the warning is impliedly preempted by federal law.

Concur/dissent (CJ) -- Violation of the federal statute is not a necessary element of the claim, so not preempted.  Learned intermediary doctrine does not save defts.

Third Circuit: Marie Gillispie v. Regionalcare Hospital Partners

Whistleblower who merely objected in internal meetings to non-reporting of facts already known to the decisionmakers does not qualify for the protections of the federal statute.

State common-law employment protections are preempted by the state whistleblower statute.

Fifth Circuit: Linda Singletary v. Prudential Ins Co. of America

ERISA, Insurance, Choice of Law, Preemption

As the cause of action is a statutory one, courts should not construe a challenge to the denial of benefits into an equitable challenge to the adequacy of disclosure of limitations.

General concerns of public policy insufficient to invalidate choice of law provision in pendent cause of action.

ERISA preempts state statute, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with risk pooling.

Linda Singletary v. Prudential Ins Co. of America

Sixth Circuit: Self-Insurance Inst. of Am. v. Rick Snyder

ERISA, Preemption

State tax on insurance claims is not preempted by express preemption provision of ERISA, as the recordkeeping and residency requirements do no impermissably intrude on the purposes of the act.

Self-Insurance Inst. of Am. v. Rick Snyder

Third Circuit: In Re: Nickleodeon Consumer Pr

Standing, ECPA, Preemption, Torts

Disclosure of online user data sufficiently particular & concrete for Article III standing.

One-party consent under the wiretap act & corresponding state statute has no implicit age restriction.

 PCs are not protected computing facilities under SCA
 State statute requires something beyond access to data - must establish use.

Search engine not covered by video privacy statute; that statute requires something more than an identifying number, since an observer must be able to associate a person with specific content.  This holding cannot be reduced to a single sentence.

As claim derives from the expectation of privacy on the website, state intrusion on privacy tort not preempted by federal data statute.  

Third party cookies on site don't present a cause of action under the tort, but standard tracking might, if duplicitous.

 In Re: Nickleodeon Consumer Pr