Showing posts with label Hague Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hague Act. Show all posts

Sixth Circuit: Liz Lopez Moreno v. Jason Zank

When a parent allegedly wrongfully removes a child from a country after the allegedly wrongful removal of the child to that country by the other parent, given the purposes of the Convention, the first parent is precluded from asserting that the residence of the child in the country to which it had been removed at first was not their habitual residence; to preserve future claims under the Convention, the Convention  remedy must be invoked, as opposed to self-help.

Seventh Circuit: Jaded Martinez v. Peter Cahue

Hague Act

Where a parent potentially has rights under state law, but the former spouse's removal of the child to a foreign country was lawful, the emigrating parent may invoke the foreign statute's mandate that the child be returned there after temporarily returning to the state.

Jaded Martinez v.   Peter Cahue