Showing posts with label Class Actions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Class Actions. Show all posts

Third Circuit: Chesapeake Appalachia LLC v. Scout Petroleum

Arbitration - class actions

Neither the terms of the contract nor the incorporation of the arbitration organization's rules constituted a clear and unmistakable consent to allowing the arbitrator to define the scope of a class arbitration.

Fifth Circuit: Joseph Robertson, et al v. Chevron USA, Incorporated

Class Actions

When a defendant seeks to remove under CAFA "mass actions" provisions, the court should make common-sense assumptions about amounts-in-controversy.

First Circuit: Bezdek v. Vibram USA, Inc.

Class action - acceptance of settlement.

No abuse of discretion in acceptance of settlement below initial estimates.

No abode of discretion in valuation of injunctive relief barring false advertisements.

Given extensive discovery work, the fees and the clear sailing agreement were reasonable.

Seventh Circuit: Joshua Howard v. William Pollard

Prison overcrowding -  class certification.

Denial of class certification and appointment of counsel upheld.  Although presence of counsel would make the class representative a more adequate plaintiff, denial of counsel does not prejudice the consideration of class certification, as counsel is provided to prosecute the claim, not ensure the adequacy of the representative.

Per curiam.