Showing posts with label Arbitration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arbitration. Show all posts

Federal Circuit: Muller v. GPO

Administrative, Arbitration

Statutory time period for arbitration is a housekeeping rule, not a jurisdictional limit on the scope of arbitrablility of claim.

Sixth Circuit: Richmond Health Facilities v. Adrianne Nichols

Arbitration, dicta/holding

Since state law holds that a wrongful death action is held by the next of kin and not the decedent, a release signed by the decedent cannot compel arbitration of the claim.

Arbitration act does not preempt the state law, as the state law does not bar compelled arbitration of the claim.

Rule in earlier holding by state supreme court was an alternative holding, not dicta.

Earlier holding can be retroactive, as it was a restatement of the law, and the state courts have since retroactively applied it.

Tenth Circuit: Nesbitt v. FCNH


An opt-out clause in the agreement only speaks to the threshold question of scope of arbitration, and does not forestall an exemption from compulsory arbitration in order to effectively vindicate a claim.

Giver internal inconsistencies in the agreement and incorporated rules, a plaintiff might justifiably refrain from pursuing a claim, given the uncertainty of eventual reimbursement.

Third Circuit: Chesapeake Appalachia LLC v. Scout Petroleum

Arbitration - class actions

Neither the terms of the contract nor the incorporation of the arbitration organization's rules constituted a clear and unmistakable consent to allowing the arbitrator to define the scope of a class arbitration.