Showing posts with label Announcements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Announcements. Show all posts

Almost made it back to DC


Three in the DC Circuit from Friday, but too much multitasking today.  Perhaps tomorrow.  Cheers.


Hiatus now


Returning to the academic and job search dojo for a bit.  Good to get a couple weeks (234 decisions) of batting practice in.  Still a going concern, and my goal is to accomplish the summaries in one or two hours every weekday morning.  

But now, there's a large stack of books on the desk.  Cheers.


End of Day

 Four cases out of the Ninth saved for tomorrow.

Might press pause on this, as it's a bit of a time-drain, and there's a large stack of books on the desk.  Basically just taking a few weeks of batting practice.  Stay tuned.  Or not, as the case may be.


Gone fishin'.


There are a few more cases in the DC/Federal Circuits, but I'm out of time for this, so what happens in the Beltway stays in the Beltway.  

Similarly, as useful as this is in the multitasking rotation, some projects will have my exclusive attention in the coming days.  Back in about a week, G-d willin' and the crick don't rise.

(There have been times when this commonplacing covered absolutely every slip in the circuits, and I might get back to that, but not in the coming weeks.)


Ninth Circuit & Federal Circuit

 There were a handful of decisions out from the 9th & Federal Circuit on Friday, but other work calls, and I need to close this window.  Possibly to be covered tomorrow, depending on how long the list is.

Again, folks, if for some reason you're reading this, you're basically watching somebody take batting practice. Don't rely; don't rely; don't rely.  Cheers.



Eighth and westward (then southeastward) tomorrow.  Other work beckons threateningly.


Blog's Anniversary

On this date in 2011, in a Starbucks in midtown Manhattan, history was made.  Admittedly, it was a very, very small event in history, but history nonetheless.

Signing off for the week.

Much reading to do about early modern law & drama.  Back next week, if the crick don't rise.  Decisions in the interval (including some from yesterday) are water under the dam.  This site is basically an odd mix of work-in-progress, proof-of-concept, and going concern.  In short, I post when I have the time.  Kind of a batting practice, really.  Cheers.


Out of time

Here are the other slips from today's cull:

DC Circuit:

15-1205      BP Energy Company v. FERC
15-5200      David Patchak v. Sally Jewell
15-5223      Friends of Animals v. Sally Jewell

15-7084        International Union, Security v. Assane Faye
Federal Circuit:

RSS Feed

RSS has been activated.  This changes everything.  Or at least those things that can be changed by having an RSS feed.  Links are on the right menubar and below, viz: 

9, 10, 11, Fed, DC Tomorrow

As CB has a couple hundred pages of early modern drama and legal history to read this afternoon, the rest of today's slips will be logged tomorrow.

NB: Apparently, there's an interesting CFAA slip in the 9th.  Cheers.

Fifth Anniversary

On the evening of July 5, 2011, from the Starbucks in Worldwide Plaza in midtown, the predecessor site to this one posted its first daily rundown:

It's been an off-and-on endeavor, and at times, it was a bit short-form, but it's proved to be a very interesting hobby over the years.  Sometime in 2013, the site passed 2,500 opinion summaries, and there have probably been another thousand or so since.  All freely linked, no ads, and most summaries same-day.  No marketing, but eventually the long tail of organic search returns resulted in a decent audience.

Scrambling from Starbucks to Starbucks to post the last few decisions of the night.... Cadging a library terminal when the equipment gave out...  Interesting times.  Not really a labor of love.  More like a labor of respect.  And excellent batting practice.
