Seventh Circuit: Roy Sargeant v. Aracelie Barfield


Plaintiff's 8A claim appropriately preserved when 1A claim was screened out, as the screening operated as an interlocutory order, and the underlying facts of the claim established the 8A claim.

A Bivens remedy for not protecting a prisoner is unavailable, as the only Supreme Court precedent recognizing the claim was sub silento; it's therefore a novel claim, and the existing statutory and administrative scheme suffices to establish that Congress might think itself best placed to resolve the procedures. 


Sub silento Supreme Court holding suffices, given the facts of the case and lower courts' recognition of it.  Even absent that, it's not a new context, and no special factors counsel against recognition of the judicial remedy.  Bivens grounded in constitutional necessity.

Roy Sargeant v. Aracelie Barfield