Third Circuit: Dansko Holdings Inc v. Benefit Trust Co


Employer's contract claim against potential trustee of employee stock benefit plan is remote from the usual ERISA concerns, and therefore not preempted by the statute.

Implied spoken promise subsequent to execution of written contract can be the basis for a promissory estoppel claim.

Integration clause refers only to the time of formation -- when subsequent parties to the contract were substituted in, the integration clause still looked back to the time of initial formation.

A lie about a side issue in the course of a contractual breach is separately actionable as fraud where the lie implicates a broader social duty owed to all individuals.

By conceding valid substitution into the contract for the purposes of the breach claim, the plaintiff is estopped from arguing that the indemnification agreement compelling the payment of legal fees doesn't apply to the defendant.  Plain meaning of indemnify encompasses first party claims.  Under state law, it wouldn't be specific enough to cover any damages award.

Dansko Holdings Inc v. Benefit Trust Co