Fifth Circuit: USA v. Norbert


In assessing the credibility and reliability of the tip of illegal activity in the apartment parking lot, the tipster's familiarity with the physical environs was insufficient validation; as the tip wasn't contemporaneous with an emergency situation, it is held to a higher standard.  The tip was sufficiently specific in its physical description of the suspect. 

Given the lack of corroboration, the police had no reasonable suspicion that the criminal activity was afoot.  The search was conducted after verification of entirely innocent information.

The tip's claim of ongoing drug sales meant that the search at the end of the day wasn't on stale information.


This means that police must personally witness a crime.

Tipster's assertion of being employed by the apartment complex and subsequent specific description of the details corroborated the information sufficiently for reasonable suspicion.  Would suffice for probable cause under Gates.

Navarette wasn't based on emergency situations, but rather stands for the proposition that a tipster who tells the truth about innocent details will tend to tell the truth when asserting criminality.

Circuit split flagged.

USA v. Norbert