Fifth Circuit: USA v. Kieffer, et al


Testimony of co-conspirator is sufficient evidence for conviction, unless the testimony is incredible or insubstantial on its face; it is for the finder of fact to weigh the credibility of the testimony.  De novo review, as both counsel recited the form of the motion for acquittal.

Proof of a phone call between the two at that time is sufficient evidence for having made a false material statement denying knowledge of a person's whereabouts.

Stipulation to felony status at trial is sufficient to establish contemporary knowledge of that status at the time of firearm possession.

Despite the fact that a large number of juror questions was allowed, deft has not identified, and the court has not found, any that indicate prejudice.


The appeal of the felon in possession count shouldn't have been de novo, even arguendo.

USA v. Kieffer, et al