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Seventh Circuit: BRC Rubber & Plastics, Inc. v. Continental Carbon Company

Conditional right of first refusal requiring counterparty to allow vendor the chance to match any lower price for the contracted item is sufficiently binding on the first party to operate as consideration for the contract.  As the factual statements of the original claim support a theory of anticipatory repudiation, the court may allow the new theory of claim at summary judgment, absent prejudice.

Seventh Circuit: Naperville Smart Meter Awarene v. City of Naperville

As it gives the government data that would be otherwise unavailable without a physical search, electrical consumption data collected at fifteen-minute intervals retained for a space of years constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment.  Given the significant government interests in the program, the fact that excessive electricity use isn't a crime per se, and that, according to a guarantee sent to users by the utility, third parties, including law enforcement, need a warrant for access to customer data, the search is a reasonable one.

Sixth Circuit: Jena McClellan v. Midwest Machining, Inc.

Where a plaintiff alleging discrimination attempts to return the contractual consideration for an earlier waiver of the claim within a reasonable period of learning of their rights under the discrimination statute, the common-law tender-back rule is satisfied.

Sixth Circuit: Ian Davis v. Margaret Bradshaw

Recantation of trial witness insufficiently credible to trigger the actual-innocence exception to the statutory limitation on Habeas petitions.