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Sixth Circuit: Jonathan Gaffers v. Kelly Servs., Inc.

Arbitration agreement is not displaced by the FLSA; a challenge to the agreements on the basis that compelling individual arbitration precludes collective action is a challenge to the purpose of arbitration, and therefore not permissible under the savings clause of the Act.

Third Circuit: Corey Bland v. City of Newark

Qualified immunity for officers firing into car after car chase, as the chase was dangerous, the driver continued to verbally threaten them, and a recent carjacking had been armed, leading the police to think that the driver was armed.


Second Circuit: Amy Colvin v. Hubert Keen, et. al.

Initial denial of summary judgment not binding under law of the case.  Denial of summary judgment is not an adjudication of rights or liabilities.


First Circuit: Sihotang v. Sessions

Abuse of discretion for agency not to reopen immigration removal proceedings where there is a clear factual basis for a claim of changed country conditions affecting his religion and its required practices.


First Circuit: US v. Valdes-Ayala

Sufficient evidence for bankruptcy fraud, as the petitions filed were the bare minimum to get the clients released from jail.

Sufficient evidence for wire fraud, as Microsoft has no email servers in Puerto Rico.

Sufficient evidence for identity fraud, as victims testified that they didn't sign many of the documents.

No constructive amendment of indictment alleging defrauding of creditors using the court, as the court filings were identified as the fraudulent element, and the offense was the deception in the filings.

No plain error in not sending the full offense-specific jury instruction into the deliberations room; no plain error in omission of materiality from fraud instruction.

Authorized use of names and power of signature is without lawful authority when used unlawfully.

Plain error in use of superseded sentencing guidelines.

Bankruptcy court is a legitimate recipient of restitution order.
