Eleventh Circuit: US v. Wenxia Man

Conspiracy requiring a third participant is sufficiently well-developed if the others are planning to find an alternative to agreement with the necessary participant

Deft's awareness of illegal nature of the weapons sale activity evinced sufficient specific intent to violate the licensing requirements of the Act.

Eagerness to do the transaction and the delicate and furtive nature of the conversations established sufficient evidence for the finding that deft was predisposed to the crime and therefore not entrapped.

Co-conspirator hearsay properly admitted.  Court could properly find an unidentified email address a co-conspirator.  Admission of contemporaneous uncharged bad acts proper, as sufficiently entwined. 

Sentence reasonable -- deft's US presence made her invaluable; no discriminatory error in court's sentencing finding that deft was faithful to her native country.

No plain error in Brady violation, given insufficient record/proffer.
