Eleventh Circuit: Johnny Overstreet, Jr. v. Warden

Ineffective assistance

Habeas for ineffective assistance on direct appeal that characterized an issue certain to require reversal as a substantial evidence challenge.


Ninth Circuit: Randolph Wolfson v. Colleen Concannon

Elections, First Amendment, En banc

Strict scrutiny for judicial speech restrictions.

Compelling state interest in personal solicitations regulations for judges.

Recusal doesn't solve perception problems.

Everything upheld under strict scrutiny.

Concurrence - justifiable distinctions between sitting and nonsitting judges.


Ninth Circuit: Presidio Historical Assn v. Presidio Trust

Administrative, Deference

Agency's interpretation of ambiguous statute requiring equivalent rebuilding as "one up, one down" anywhere on the site is unreasonable.

Current plans for building, however, are congruent with statute.

Statute requiring agency consideration does not impose a substantive change in scrutiny on judicial review -- it merely requires that the agency demonstrate that it considered alternatives.


Ninth Circuit: USA v. Raul Cruz-Mendez


Pilot/captain enhancement upheld against fellow at tiller of small open craft.

Sentence generally not unreasonable.


Ninth Circuit: Dale Bozzio v. EMI Group, LTD.

FRCP, Contracts, Corporations

Under state law, third party beneficiary might be able to state a claim for breach where the promisee is an interposed suspended corporation and the beneficiary has relinquished individual right of action against the counterparty.

Error to dismiss with prejudice, as legal uncertainty might have made amendment of claim worthwhile.


Ninth Circuit: Vietnam Veterans of America v. CIA



Eighth Circuit: United States v. Brent Englehart

Fourth Amendment

When a police officer has a conversation that is at least partially consensual with a person asked to sit in the patrol car while a traffic citation is being written, if the person admits possession of contraband in he first three minutes after the ticket is written, the intrusion is de minimis.


Seventh Circuit: Window World of Chicagoland v. Window World, Inc.


Where issues raised in a subsequent suit are compulsory counterclaims in a prior suit resulting in a default judgment, and the earlier decision is temporarily vacated for excusable neglect and then reinstated, claim preclusion bars the claims in the subsequent suit when the subsequent suit is administratively joined to the prior action and law of the case bars the claim if the caption numbers are joined.


Seventh Circuit: Ratna Bagwe v. Sedgwick Claims Management Service

Employment, discrimination

Where rebuttal of nondiscriminatory motive includes both direct and indirect methods of proof, appellate review analyses both separately.

No direct evidence, insufficient comparators.

Small pay decision is timely, can be considered separately.

Employer response on compensation that only discussed raises suffices to challenge broad compensation argument.

Insufficient proof of retaliation.


Seventh Circuit: Estate of Harold Stuller v. USA

FRE, Tax

Barring of horse breeder's testimony under Daubert upheld, as offered to prove that the farm was intended to be run successfully, and the breeder had no knowledge of farm financing.

Poor record-keeping, extensive losses, and tax benefits accrued in horse breeding operation run by Steak & Shake franchisees sufficient for finding that the operation was not run for a profit.

Insufficient nexus of cause and timing to justify finding of untimely tax return.

Denial of corporate deduction for S corporation does not justify amendment of personal return to remove income.  Or something like that.

Equitable adjustment claim forfeited.


Sixth Circuit: Village Green I, GP v. Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assoc.


Bankruptcy plan is not proposed in good faith when it impairs a minor class of creditors consisting of its former legal representation by delaying payment two weeks when there is evidence of present means that make the minor debt insignificant.


Fifth Circuit: Ambrea Fairchild v. All Amer Check Cashing, Inc.

Employment, FRE

FLSA requires actual knowledge by the employer that the emplyee is working overtime - possible discovery in computer usage records is insufficient to impute.

No abuse of discretion in barring party-opponent hearsay exception for non-workplace statement by supervisor not directly involved in the case's statement of improper reason for dismissal.

Sufficient showing of non-pretextual nondiscriminatory reason for action.


Fourth Circuit: James Angell v. Stubbs & Perdue, P.A.

Bankruptcy, Retroactive application

As Bankruptcy petition changed from reorganization to liquidation subsequent to the change in the statute regulating  subordination of secured debts in liquidation proceedings, administrative expenses incurred in reorganization phase cannot gain priority through the equitable subordination of secured debts.


Second Circuit: Friends of Animals v. Clay et al.

Administrative, environment

Statute's requirement of a specific permit for the taking of a member of a protected species is satisfied by specificity in the situation, not necessarily specificity in the species.

Employees of a multijurisdictional authority would be protected by the justification of necessity when taking animals outside the statute in order to prevent death or serious bodily harm.

Facepalm pun at peroration.
