Federal Circuit: Nan Ya Plastics Corporation v. US

Trade, Administrative

As the plain terms of the statute permit the agency to consider any information before it in setting the rate, an unusually high benchmark does not offend the limitations of accuracy and commercial reality.

As the rate is based on a primary source, the corroboration requirement is not triggered.


DC Circuit: Douglas Huron v. Beth F. Cobert

Standing, Administrative

Absent a showing of an extraordinary circumstance, a plaintiff cannot assert Article III Standing at trial and Statutory/Procedural Standing on appeal.


Eighth Circuit: CRP Holdings A-1, LLC v. Casey D. O'Sullivan

Property, Bankruptcy

As the unenforcable lien against a property held by a tenancy of the entirety clouded title, it was fixed for purposes of the Bankruptcy Code, and can therefore can be avoided according to the terms of the Act.


Eighth Circuit: David Bonenberger v. St. Louis Metro. Police Dept.

Title VII, S1983 Conspiracy

Denial of sought-for promotion is an adverse employment action where the change would have been marked by a material change in working conditions.

Conspiracy verdict upheld where the jury might have inferred that knowledge of the discrimination demonstrated active complicity in the discrimination.
