First Circuit: US v. Gall

Double Jeopardy, FRCrimP

Acceptance of guilty plea to a lesser-included offense which is later withdrawn in favor of a supervening offense does not constitute Double Jeopardy, as the deft is not placed in meaningful jeopardy by the initial charge.

No clear error to vacating of initial plea after PSR had issued.

Ineffective Assistance claim to be resolved in collateral proceeding.  Plea deal's terms that the maximum prison term would be that of the first (lesser-included) offense are insufficient to establish that it was actually for that offense -- extrinsic evidence would have to be considered.

Prosecutor's indication that a PSR that went beyond the terms of the deal was correct was not plain error.

Sentence substantively reasonable, release condition excessive -- remand to revise/explain.

US v. Gall